Hospitals were unnecessarily overcrowded, false positive test, we violated all principles of ethics!



09.12.2020. 17:24

He says people haven’t been tested for the flu before, and in the middle of the season, many were sick and contracted the infection, not knowing what virus they were infected with.

Branimir Nestorović

Branimir Nestorović, Photo: Hello! / Ognjen Radošević

Pulmonologist Dr. Branimir Nestorović He explained, as a guest on Happy TV, that a large number of people who are admitted to hospitals with mild symptoms have a false positive test for the corona virus and that we end up in a situation where the hospitals are overcrowded.

– A test, like any test. What does the test mean? The test does not mean God knows what. Around the test, it is now a life and death battle. A large group, 22 experts, has arisen calling for the test to be stopped, because the methodology used is completely unreliable. When you multiply the genetic material of the virus, you do it in cycles, the device heats the DNA, breaks it down, then they add the enzyme to it. It cools down, they do a 2, 2 – 4 of 4 – 8 and now it depends on where you put the end of the cycle.

Does it comply with the prescribed measures?

– The US agency says that if you do 33 cycles, almost all those who are positive are healthy … At 25, no one is. If you do 37 cycles or 50 cycles, they will all be positive. In essence, the proof can be this or that, that’s the main objection. Therefore, the test is usually a false positive. Then it comes to the situation that a large number of people who have a mild clinical picture have to be admitted to the hospital, and then the hospitals are crowded and the ambulances are crowded. December is the month, the season for respiratory viruses, Nestorović said.

As he says, people haven’t been tested for the flu before, and in the middle of the season, many were sick and had an infection, not knowing which virus they were infected with.

He adds that it is unusual for it to be the third wave. coronavirus epidemics the strongest, but that mortality is still small in relation to the number of infected, as well as that only 0.5 percent of people under 70 years of age end with a fatal outcome.

As he said, autopsies carried out around the world showed that the most common cause of death in patients is blood clotting and not pneumonia.

Nestorovic also referred to the principle of involuntary hospitalization in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

– You have a positive result, you are admitted to the hospital and you do not want to go to the hospital. We have violated all the principles of ethics in defense of the virus, whose mortality is currently 0.1 percent in the world, a little more than the flu. We have completely broken the human cataclysms. WHO says we can’t even think about matches and concerts for the next two years. England has a law that you cannot go with a girl if you are not married … I cannot understand that. There were epidemics of plague, cholera, serious diseases … I don’t understand the need for people to be afraid, because there is no reason to be afraid. Each disease has its own mortality – said Dr. Nestorović.

He said death from coronavirus should be determined not only by a positive test, but also by the changes that can be seen in the bodies of those who died by autopsy.
