HOSPITALS ARE Congested all over Serbia, the situation in the capital is alarming, so patients from BELGRADE are being sent to FIVE CITIES (MAP)


The corona virus has caused an alarming situation in hospitals throughout Serbia, and worrying information has arrived these days: there are no more places for new patients in the capital. The situation is not better in other parts of the country. What will happen to those who get sick today and need hospitalization?

A few days ago, the epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff, Predrag Kon, warned that there could be a black scenario and maximum capacity utilization.

He said that “the situation in Belgrade is critical”, that hospital capacities are filling up at high speed and that a temporary solution is being sought in the form of accommodation for Belgrade patients, who may be outside the capital.

The night behind us seemed to be the most critical so far.

The ambulance said there were 70 transports of covid-infected patients overnight. The Minister of Health also addressed today, presenting shocking data for Belgrade. A member of the crisis staff announced a new record number of recently infected people for Serbia.

– Belgrade broke the infamous record, we recorded almost 5,600 examinations in the last 24 hours – said Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar.


Photo: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia

KBC “Dragisa Misovic”

– The number of examinations throughout the country is growing, as well as the number of those who remain in treatment. The figures will grow in the coming days, we expect the measures to give results in ten days – Loncar added.

And in one of the main Covid hospitals in Belgrade, there are no more places. KBC “Dragiša Mišović” has fully filled its capabilities.

Which hospitals will accept patients from the capital? As mentioned in public these days, it is about health institutions in six places in Serbia.


one of the places that takes patients from Belgrade is Pancevo, which was the case for the first waves of the crown. However, the situation is close to collapse there as well.

At the Pancevo hospital, 234 people are currently being treated in the Kovid wards. There are 98 of them from southern Banat, of which 70 are from Pancevo, 125 from Belgrade and 11 from elsewhere. Only 16 beds are available.

Pancevo General Hospital

Photo: G. Srdanov / RAS Serbia

Pancevo General Hospital

The head of Intensive Care at Pancevo General Hospital, Dr. Milorad Božić, told RTS that serious cases come to them day by day.

– Now we have entire families that have contracted the corona virus – said Božić.

He pointed out that with whatever clinical picture patients come in, the disease in a day or two can progress so much that they can receive intensive care in a very difficult condition very quickly.

Petrovac na Mlavi and Pozarevac

Petrovac na Mlavi hospital housed 20 coronavirus-infected Belgrade patients and 14 in Požarevac.

Petrovac na Mlavi hospital director Branko Lukić told RTS that the thoracic department of that hospital has passed into the kovid system and that there are currently 22 patients in it, 20 of whom are from Belgrade.


Photo: Aleksandar Slavković / RAS Serbia


They are in a moderate condition and none of them are connected to a respirator.

Požarevac hospital has been in the kovid system for several months and currently has 143 patients, 14 of whom were referred from Belgrade.

Smederevo and Mladenovac

When the number of places in Belgrade began to run out, the first option was to transfer infected patients to the suburb of Mladenovac, to Selters Spa, but also to Smederevo.

According to the latest data, 23 new cases of kovida have been registered in the district of Podunavlje, 19 in Smederevo, the majority 18 cases.

In the General Hospital “Sveti Luka”, 123 patients are hospitalized, with a moderate and severe clinical picture. Most of them were transported from other cities. There are eight people on the respirator.


Photo: Nenad Pavlović / RAS Serbia


The hospital’s capacities for covidual patients are slowly filling up, as 140 beds have been reserved for these needs. The number of examinations in the Kovid ambulance has also increased, so that on Monday 250 citizens of Smederevo were examined in the three shifts.

Banja Koviljača

The new place from which the capital’s kovid patients will be sent is Banja Koviljača, Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar announced.

Lončar added that capacities are being expanded, and now Selters and Banja Koviljača are being filled, to which several patients from the “Arena” will be transferred, lighter cases, which do not require oxygen, but are not yet negative.

In the south of the country it is becoming more complex

There are a total of 216 patients in the covid wards of the Nis Clinical Center, and 139 of them have a positive test for the virus and there are no children among them.

According to the direction of the Clinical Center, 12 patients with a confirmed virus are connected to artificial respiration devices and are in a very serious condition, reports Južne vesti.

KC Nis


KC Nis

Leskovac Hospital reports that an 86-year-old woman from nearby Leskovac died of the virus, and of a total of 40 people in the beds at this institution, 26 are on oxygen. They add that covid infections in this institution have been verified in 23 patients.

Drastic deterioration in Vojvodina

The Vojvodina Clinical Hospital Center (KCV) is currently treating 301 patients with kovid-19, of whom 19 are on invasive mechanical ventilation, while the Military Hospital in Petrovaradin is treating 14 patients with kovid, the KCV announced.

It is stated that the night before was very difficult because there was a significant increase in the number of patients, both those who were examined on an outpatient basis and those who were admitted for hospital treatment for kovid.

KC Vojvodina Infectious Disease Clinic

Photo: Nenad Mihajlović / RAS Serbia

KC Vojvodina Infectious Disease Clinic

Due to the increase in the number of patients, the Vojvodina Clinical Center is forced to further open the unit within its capabilities, the announcement states.

The KCV indicates that in a large number of hospitalized patients, due to the difficult clinical picture, in addition to other necessary therapies, intensive oxygen support is used.

Great pressure on Čačak hospital

At the Čačak General Hospital, in the Kovid wards, there are 153 patients currently hospitalized, nine of whom are in the respiratory part with mechanical ventilation, and several of them, according to epidemiologist Mihailo Luković, are in the lobby to connect to respirators.

According to Lukovic, head of the Task Force for monitoring the spread of the corona virus in the Moravica district, yesterday 22 patients were admitted to receive hospital treatment, and three were returned to Gornja Milanovac because their condition has improved and they may be cared for there.

Luković explained, as reported by Glas zapadne Srbije, that they are under a lot of pressure in the Gornji Milanovac hospital because the epidemiological situation in that municipality is very unfavorable and they are treating more serious cases in Čačak.
