Hospital post for coronavirus?


The preparatory hearing before the trial of Stojanka Stojanović (72), better known as Grandmother Coka, accused of the murder of investor Zoran Trifunović (59), in September 2018 in Zvezdara, was postponed today in the High Court of Belgrade, because no appeared.

Her lawyer informed the court that Grandma Coka was absent due to health problems and, as Kurir learns, has the corona virus and was hospitalized.

It should be remembered that the crime, which was recorded by security cameras, happened on September 2, 2018, and the defendant for the crime that occurred in the middle of the street, has been under house arrest since August last year.

photo: Printscreen, Vladimir Šporčić

– The first preparatory hearing was scheduled for February 13, but it did not appear even then. Instead of pleading guilty in court, she sent a letter stating that she underwent hip surgery, that she couldn’t attend, but also that the trial was a great stress for her and that if she had to go to trial, “before hang himself “- Kurir’s interlocutor recalled.

He adds that after the operation, Stojanka was in hospitals several more times due to health problems and that, apparently, she remains hospitalized.

Let us remind you, in the video from the security cameras that recorded the crime, Stojanka can be seen approaching the investor, pulling a gun out of his bag and shooting him.

photo: Printskrin

– After checking the victim in the middle of the street, he returned home, put on makeup, and fell asleep. That is how he met the police, recalls the interlocutor.

She spent almost a year in custody, and after the arrest, her son Marko stated that she had been in conflict with the investor for years, claiming that the deceased forced his mother to sell him land and a house because he wanted to build there.

( Vladimir Sporcic Printscreen, Nemanja Nikolic)

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Author: delivery courier
