HORROR IN BELGRADE: A brutal video is spread on social networks: a dog was hanged and left hanging (ANNOYING VIDEO)


While the Interior Ministry confirmed to us that the police team went out into the field and conducted an investigation, it is still unknown whether the unfortunate animal was killed first and then hung or ended up with a rope around its neck, hanging against the wall of the building.

– The Obrenovac Police Administration received a report from fellow citizens on September 5, when an investigation was carried out. The Deputy Prosecutor of Obrenovac was informed of the whole case, who ordered that unidentified persons be charged, said by “Novosti” of the Interior Ministry.

OSC Obrenovac President Miroslav Čučković told us that he was informed about the hanging of the dog and that he was shocked by this act.

– We, as local self-government, strongly condemn this crime, we demand that the police treat this case as if they had killed a man. We call on the authorities to identify the perpetrators of this murder as soon as possible – says Cuckovic.


AFTER the murder of a dog in 2018 in Obrenovac, the police arrested a girl KP (24) and a young M. Đ. (21) on suspicion that they ritually killed the dog and broadcast the act live on social networks. According to some claims, the “Kefo zote” sect offers sacrifices to dogs and cats, which it has previously abused. The sect supposedly has an ideology of cosmic energy, which is “achieved” through ritual murder and torture of the weak.

This monstrous act shocked the citizens and reminded them of the sectarian ritual of late 2018, during which, also in the Obrenovac territory, a dog was tortured and killed. At the time, a video was circulating on social media showing a young man stabbing a dog, repeating two words all the time: “kefo zote”, which his fellow citizens later associated with sectarian rituals. Therefore, the citizens of Obrenovac are now afraid for a reason, because they are concerned that the activities of the sect have not stopped in this suburban municipality.

You can see the video by CLICKING HERE!

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