HORROR DETAILS IN MATIJEVAC: They release a boy suspected of having sex with a girl, dismayed villagers (PHOTO)


A statement from the Sabac Police Department states that “the suspect, along with a criminal report, was brought before a juvenile judge in Sabac.”

The deputy of the Šabac Public Ministry, Milan Milutinović, who is the spokesman for the Superior Prosecutor’s Office, points out that the procedure, in this case, as usual when dealing with minors, is directed by a juvenile judge. Meanwhile, says our interlocutor, the juvenile judge of the Superior Court of Sabac listened to the boy and released him. The investigation is continuing, including, among other things, the examination of a four-year-old girl and further interrogations.

Matijevac village / Photo: V. Mitrić

As “Novosti” unofficially finds out, the boy and girl’s parents knew each other well, visited each other and became friends. Until December 21, when the girl’s mother reported the incident, followed by an action by the Police and the Prosecutor’s Office. All actions were carried out with care, professionalism, responsibility and conscience, bearing in mind that they were children.

According to our unofficial, but reliable information, the doctor who examined the boy did not find any trace of genital injury. For now, the research is being conducted for sex only, and what it will look like later will depend on the comprehensive research, which is in full swing. What is understood, in this case, by “sexual harassment” is information that, in the interests of the protection and investigation of children, is only the authorities. As we have learned, the best experts will be included in the investigation, who will try to completely unravel the fact, both for truth and justice, which will prevent the lazy “bazaars” from making even more horrible accusations and even harsher accusations and black.

In the village of Matijevac, where the families of boys and girls live, the locals are, to say the least, shocked by what they hear. People just wave their hands. There are no other stories …

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