HORRIBLE ALTINA FAMILY DRAMA DETAILS: Slavica’s husband said he was making bad coffee, cut his neck with a scalpel


The real family drama happened around five in the morning at the house on Ugrinovacki Put Street.

As a source from the investigation told “Informer”, Slavica and her husband had a fight over something completely banal.

– Her husband, who was getting ready to go to work, told Slavica that he never knew how to make her the coffee he wanted. This irritated the woman and an argument broke out. After that, Slavica took a scalpel from the kitchen and went to the living room. She called her husband, and when he left another room, he cut his neck – said the interlocutor.

The shocked husband immediately called an ambulance and tied Slavica’s wound with a scarf.

– Doctors arrived very quickly at the scene of the incident and immediately transferred the injured woman to the hospital, who was conscious. The wound was bleeding profusely and it was determined that, fortunately, the blade did not injure the carotid artery. They took her to the operating room, where doctors managed to stop her bleeding and repair the wound, the source said.

The man, who introduced himself as the brother of the injured woman, denied that Slavica S. was injured, but that it was an accident.

– There was no dispute. It’s not true that Slavica fought with her husband. He held up the knife, tripped in the kitchen, and fell. This is how he got hurt. It’s not the first time he’s invented such things, the man claimed.

One neighbor said that Slavica was prone to fighting with neighbors and that she wouldn’t be surprised if she accidentally and unintentionally hurt herself.

– How can I tell you, everything happens in that house. You better not talk about what we saw and heard – he said.


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