HOOP 2020: See how Serbian police fought terrorists, Vučić described everything in two words (VIDEO)


President Aleksandar Vučić attends the anti-terrorism tactical demonstration exercise “Hoop 2020” in front of the Palace of “Serbia” in Belgrade, and the Minister of the Interior Aleksandar Vulin is also present, as well as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, and the Director of Police, Vladimir Rebić.

17:30 – O Čabi Deru

– I received information that it is true that the hitman Chaba Der revealed today to the Budapest police that he received an offer from two different criminal organizations in our area to kill me.

– I’m not afraid at all. I’m not interested in what someone is trying to do – said Vučić.

17:28 – Vučić: We pray to God for the patriarch

Vučić said that the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Irinej, is in a difficult situation and that we must pray to God for his health.

– It is our job to pray to God for the health of Patriarch Irinej, who indebted the entire Serbian people with his deeds – said the president when asked about the health status of the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

17:24 – Vučić – Congratulations to the police

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić congratulated members of the Serbian police for the excellent and successful demonstration exercise.

– For the first time, they can operate in an area that is not prepared for a helicopter landing. You saw how low this X-145 got. I was afraid it would hit the posts.

Members of the Interior Ministry are the guarantors of the safety of Serbian citizens, President Aleksandar Vučić said tonight, after the Interior Ministry’s anti-terrorism tactical demonstration exercise “Hoop 2020”. We expect results from them in the coming days and weeks. Not only in Belgrade, but also throughout Serbia you must be safe, secure and completely defeat crime and the mafia, Vučić said.

17:20 – Exercise “Hoop 2020” completed successfully.

– Very good – said President Vučić to the participants in the exercise.

17:19 – In the last phase of the exercise, members of the Interior Ministry used a robot to remove an explosive device and a drone to reconnoitre the terrain.

17:16 – Snipers keep terrorists at bay all the time.

Then, the resolution of the hostage crisis in the public facility was shown by members of the SAJ and the Gendarmerie, after which the search for the fugitive terrorists began.

17:13 – The combat and armored vehicles “Milos” and “Lazar” are coming.

Helicopter pilots use night flight and observation goggles that allow them to perform the most complex operations at night.

17:07 – A helicopter arrives to deliver information on the movement of terrorists to units on the ground.

The persecution of terrorists is in charge of two teams, the 92 Intervention Units.

The helicopter “Airbus h145” illuminates the path of the terrorists during the pursuit and reports on the movement of the patrol of the intervention unit.

17:05 – The first simulation was an attack by a terrorist group in a public place from two directions. An intervention unit quickly arrived at the scene of the attack and a shootout with terrorists began. The first team of ambulances arrives.

17:00 – Report presented to President Vučić

Police Colonel Vladan Mirković delivered the report to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić.

– The aim of the exercise is to show the preparation of specialized training – Mirković said in the report.

Amok is a violent form of behavior in which people die without delay.

In this exercise, the members of the Home Office will demonstrate skills and abilities to defeat the terrorists and free the hostages.

All exercise will be done at night.

During the exercise, members of the Special Antiterrorist Unit, Gendarmerie, Helicopter Unit, Intervention Unit 92, the Police Administration of the City of Belgrade and the Emergency Situations Sector will show their skills and equipment.

In addition to 250 members of the Ministry of the Interior, 28 vehicles for various purposes and five helicopters will participate in the exercise.

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