Hooligans stormed a comic book exhibit, fired tear gas, and destroyed artwork


A group of 15 young people, wearing masks, black firecrackers and hoods, stormed the exhibition as part of the “New Age” festival, fired tear gas and destroyed the works on display. As stated by Marko Somborac, one of the participants in the exhibition, for Nova.rs, the comic book group responsible for this incident, reported death threats to the police last night, but despite that, there was an attack.

The exhibition is held in the Old Captaincy, and after sharing some “black humor” comics, an avalanche of negative reactions began on social networks, calling them satanists, after which the authors of the exhibition were threatened with death, and then there was an intrusion tonight.

As for Nova.rs Marko Somborac says, at the time of the thugs’ attack, the artist on duty and a security person were present at the exhibition.

“They did not threaten her. They just broke in, fired tear gas, tore apart the construction sites and started to flee. She followed them and tried to explain to them what art is, ”says the famous comic book artist.

Somborac adds that the intrusion of the vandals took place, although last night around 7 in the afternoon, the police received death threats, which were received by the participants in the exhibition.

“The police are a minute from the scene. It is evident that there is a lack of understanding of black humor among the people. None, for example, reported that a neighbor hit a woman. Despite this fact, we have two exhibitions scheduled more, “Somborac said.

The curator of the exhibition, Ivana Djordjevic, told Novosti yesterday that there are no Masons, Balinese or Ustashas in the background of this exhibition, but works that show in a brutal and stylistic way the brutality of the time in which they were created, in the nineties.

He stated that the same group exhibited in the Old Captaincy 24 years ago and that then, as never before, there were no reactions to works belonging to the underground comic genre.
