Homemade tests for the corona virus reached pharmacies, cost 1,300 dinars – Society


According to information from Pharmacies Belgrade, home tests for the corona virus have reached pharmacies in Serbia and should be on sale today.

Home tests for the corona virus reached pharmacies, price 1,300 dinars 1Photo: Jelka Jovanović

Jasminka Bjeletić from Apoteka Beograd stated for the Nova.rs portal that these tests are very simple to do, that they have clear instructions and that they can be a substitute for the PCR test.

“Today, we order tests to determine the presence of the corona virus, the so-called home tests. We are now printing instructions for each individual pack and they will be on sale this afternoon at approximately 40 of our Belgrade Pharmacy institutions. The price is 1,296 dinars, “Bjeletić said.

According to her, the tests are 98 percent reliable, their manufacturer is a South Korean company, and they have been approved by the Republic of Serbia Drug Agency.

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