HOLIDAYS IN GREECE AFTER THE CROWN The ambassador reveals whether we will need “health passports” and what will happen to the arrangements already paid for June


“We are gradually reopening the economy of our country and we hope to be ready for the summer vacation season. We have been receiving tourists for over 50 years and we want to continue, showing the same hospitality for which we are well known.” we will welcome our Serbian friends. “

George Diakofotakis, Ambassador of GreecePhoto: Sava Radovanović / Tanjug
George Diakofotakis, Ambassador of Greece

This, for “Novosti,” says George Diakofotakis, the Greek ambassador to Belgrade, at a time when a large number of Serbian citizens, who are used to spending their summer holidays in this country, have a dilemma of what to do next. summer due to pandemic.

What many people who traditionally spend their summers in this Mediterranean country are the so-called “health passports” and how to get them if you really want to spend your holidays in Greece this year too.

– There are many options on the table. The war against the pandemic is not yet over. We remain vigilant and vigilant and will continue to follow the advice of our excellent team of epidemiologists. I am sure that we will strike a balance between keeping people and opening our country’s borders. There may be some medical requirements for foreigners, but not necessarily what you call “health passports”. The Greek government will provide the necessary information in a timely manner, he said.

Diakogotakis states that this will undoubtedly be a specific summer in terms of the measures that we will have to comply with during the trip.

– This will be a different summer, with social distancing and certain travel protocols and rules. These new protocols, which we hope will be adopted at the European level, will regulate tourism. We hope there will be an EU response on how to face the pandemic wisely for tourism. The Greek government is working with its partners on this.

Favorite destination of Serbian touristsPhoto: Dušan Milenković / RAS Serbia
Favorite destination of Serbian tourists

What about paid vacations in June?

For all those who paid for the June summer vacation and cannot go on vacation, the Greek ambassador has an optimistic response.

– We hope the worst is over. Assuming that the health situation is going as planned, Greece is preparing to receive foreign tourists starting in July. As for those who booked accommodation for June, I assure you that no one will lose their money. We have established a coupon system that allows you to get to Greece safely without risking your money. I would like to remind you that when the agency “Thomas Cook” went bankrupt last year, its clients in Greece were treated with the utmost respect, says the ambassador.

What attracted everyone’s attention amid the coronavirus pandemic is undoubtedly the “small” number of patients relative to the number of inhabitants in Hellas. That is, 2,678 people were infected with the virus in Greece, and 148 deaths were recorded. When asked what measures managed to save them from the kovida-19, Diakofotakis replied that the key was in the strict protection measures.

– Thanks to strict and early protection measures, we have successfully slowed down the spread of the virus. The key to our success can be summed up as follows: rapid warning from the government and rapid action, preparation and resistance of the state apparatus, timely adoption of strict measures of social distancing and confinement, as well as self-discipline and determination of the Greek people who of all Heart followed the government’s measures.

“We will overcome the crisis”

As everywhere, after the initial health problem during the pandemic, immediately after, the problem of the economy and how after the crown.

– The Greek economy will suffer, but we are confident that we will be able to reverse the consequences of the crisis for at least two reasons, because the necessary decisions will be made at the European level, including a package of measures to support the European economies, and because Greece is a tourist destination throughout the year. It does not only depend on the summer holidays. In general, the problem is how to get the economy back on track. The efforts of the Greek government are committed to this result.

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