HOLIDAY BABIES Most children conceived during the New Years and Christmas holidays, and one month is especially important for BIRTHDAY


The holidays are a time of hedonism, when people are devoted to enjoying food, drinking and socializing and when they spend more time with their partners, psychologists interpret statistics and realistic birth rates.

It is not possible to say for sure if a large number of marital and emotional couples want a baby for the New Year, but what is certain is that the largest number of children in the world are born in September, nine months after arrival. of Santa Claus. The latest research from Harvard University says that the majority of people on the planet are born on September 16 and most babies are born in the summer months: July, August and September. National statistics also support the thesis that the largest number of children in Serbia belong to “holiday” babies, who were conceived during the Christmas and New Year holidays; the most common birthday in our country is September 23. It usually happens that twice as many babies are born on this day than on other days of the year, and if we go back 265 days, that is, while the pregnancy lasts, we will reach January 1, writes “Politika”.

At least babies in February, March and April

Figures from the Republic Statistics Office also testify that the crying of newborns in Serbia is “louder” in the second half of summer: during 2019, most babies were registered in August, September and October. Statistics show that 6,014 babies were registered in birth registries during October, 5,521 babies were registered in September and 5,711 babies were registered in August. However, if we take into account that a month may pass from the day of birth to the moment of the child’s registration, that is, registration in the birth registry, national statistics confirm that September is the month in which Serbia is it becomes richer for the greater number of new inhabitants. The fewest babies are born in February, March and April, about 4,700 on average.

The American magazine “Time” also reminds its readers that the largest number of babies in the US are born on September 9, and the next date that the largest number of Americans celebrate their birthday is September 20, which means that most of them were conceived in the last month of the year. a sign of celebration. Interestingly, the fewest babies in America are born on Catholic Christmas, which falls on December 25 and the first day of January.

Vacation time hedonism

The reasons that most children are conceived during the New Years holidays are clear: the holidays bring relaxation, more reasons to celebrate, fewer opportunities for stress and more time for intimacy, and when you consider that the old year is accompanied by more alcohol, it is clear. That is why couples indulge in the charms of love. The results of a study published in the “Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology” on a sample of 1,178,607 women of different ages, testify that both older and younger women give birth incomparably more often in the summer months. Doctors explain this by analyzing the physiological processes in the body of a woman and a man, related to winter and relaxation.

– Holidays are a time of hedonism, when people are dedicated to enjoying food, drink and socializing and when they spend more time with their partners. Also, the New Year is a time when we make some big decisions in life, and for many people, starting a family is one of the most important resolutions in life. And finally, vacations are a time when we have much less stress, which negatively affects conception; It is not uncommon for gynecologists to advise couples who have an infertility problem to go on a longer vacation, to get rid of the stress and effects of cortisol. These are all reasons why babies are made more often and easier for the New Year, explains psychologist Maja Antončić.

Gynecologists aside, September is the busiest month for registrars and caterers, because a lot of newlyweds are standing on a crazy stone when Miholja’s summer rolls around. The statistics, namely, attest that the most popular months for weddings are September and May; In those two months alone, a quarter of all marriages out of the total number of those on a crazy stone took place. Also, September is the month with the lowest number of deaths per year. The fewest number of people die in Serbia in September, July and August.

We share the date of birth with 20 million people

If you were born on any day of the year except February 29, the probability that you will meet a person born on the same day as you is one in 365, in any country in the world, which is 0.274 percent. Since the estimated population of the earth is 7.8 billion, that in theory means that it shares the date of birth with more than 20 million people. However, if you were born on the last day of February in a leap year, then the probability that you meet a person who has the same date of birth is one in 1,461, because the number 366 days multiplied by three gives that result. Since February 29 “falls” once every four years, that means only 5,072,800 people celebrate their birthday on that day.

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