HITTING THE DOCTORS WITH YOUR FEET AND HANDS Scandal at the Infectious Diseases Clinic in Nis, the patient broke the equipment and then ATTACK ON THE EMPLOYEES


A 64-year-old patient from Nis attacked the doctors and medical staff of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the Clinical Center in Nis around 11 am today, for reasons not yet identified, after which he tried to leave the clinic, but he was prevented, Blic learned.

This is a patient who has been treated at this clinic for several days for the sequelae caused by the corona virus, and was undergoing oxygen therapy in the intensive care unit.

Infectious Disease Clinic in Nis

Photo: Konstantin Kamenov / RAS Serbia

Infectious Disease Clinic in Nis

As “Blic” learns, the patient got out of bed, broke all equipment and attacked doctors and nurses in intensive care. With his feet and hands he gave several blows to the medical personnel and then he went towards the exit of the clinic. Thanks to the quick reaction of the security service and medical staff, he was outmaneuvered and returned to intensive care. Subsequently, a psychiatrist was consulted, who had already arrived in the morning, spoke with the same patient and prescribed therapy.

Fortunately, none of the medical staff was seriously injured. An official note was taken of the incident and reported to the police.

– The management of the clinical center understands the nature of kovid 19 disease and the accompanying consequences that lead to a drop in oxygen in the blood, but calls on patients to respect the regulations of the institution where they are treated and to all medical personnel who do everything possible to treat and care for them. they say in the KC Nis Directorate.

VIDEO: Seven Groups of Corona Symptoms
