His parents hired him as a worker and then arrested him on suspicion of abusing their daughter (13)


JA (37) from Moshorin was arrested on suspicion of sexually harassing a 13-year-old girl in the vicinity of Novi Sad.

The suspect was released five days after his arrest and was prohibited from approaching.

The girl’s parents hired me for household chores and the alleged sexual harassment occurred when the parents were not there, writes Telegraf.

The suspect was confirmed by the Novi Sad Basic Prosecutor’s Office, was questioned on October 7, and his arrest was later ordered.

– On October 7, 2020, this Prosecutor’s Office received a criminal complaint from the Novi Sad Police Department PS Titel against JA (37) for the crime of sexual harassment, and the suspect J. A, after a hearing, was placed under custody by the Court of First Instance of Novi Sad. of said crime.

The arrest, they added, was lifted on October 12. A restraining order has been imposed.

And at the proposal of this Prosecutor’s Office, determine the prohibition measure to approach the victim. The Novi Sad Court of First Instance issued a decision on October 12, 2020. Last year, the suspect was prohibited from approaching, meeting and communicating at a minimum distance of 200 meters, with the obligation to report to the police all months.


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Author: delivery courier
