“HIS MOUTH WAS FULL OF COAL” He tried to reach a shovel, so he buried the ore in the bunker, THE LAST WORDS OF THE UNHAPPY MINER ARE TERRIBLE


COME ON. (43) de Boljevac was killed on Monday at the “Bo Herzegovina” lignite mine in Boljevac when the coal that buried him fell on him. As we learned unofficially, this worker was in a flat coal bunker, and while digging his shovel slipped, and immediately after that, allegedly, in an attempt to reach him, a large amount of coal fell on him and buried him.

– People went to hug pure coal in the bunker. At one point, the shovel fell on the worker who was injured, he wanted to reach it, but then the force of the coal pushed him into the bunker. At first, they buried him up to his shoulders, but then an even larger amount of coal fell on him from above, workers say.

Photo: Facebook / Facebook

Colleagues say they arrived at the scene quickly, but the unfortunate man was not seen again. Although the workers reacted as quickly as possible in the hope that they would help him and get him out in time, IC was killed on the spot.

– There was no possibility to clean all the coal from above, so we had to do it from below, until the call. zibrohranilice to loosen the tape and uncover the charcoal as much as possible, so that we can free our colleague. They tied it up and secured it in the bunker, one of the workers got on to cut the rope, and we kept untying and then we pulled it out. It lasted about ten minutes, but unfortunately we couldn’t save it – added the workers.

The unfortunate man showed no sign of life when his companions took him out of the bunker. According to the workers, when they found him, his mouth was full of small embers.

– He was tied up, but when the hoe fell from his hand, he told the supervisor, “Oh, I don’t have the shovel. The supervisor told him “it doesn’t matter, drop the shovel, we’ll find it at the store.” However, when he turned around, his last words were “I’m going too” – say the workers, who emphasize that he was trapped about 2.5 meters in the coal that buried him.

The place where the miner I.Ch.  in the mine

Photo: Dejana Kecic / RAS Serbia

The place where the miner I.Ch. in the “Bo Herzegovina” mine

Colleagues describe IC as a hard worker and a very good man. They all had only words of praise for him.

– He was a very good young man. He worked as a Thracian, he had experience, he worked in a mine for about 20 years. Aside from being a very honest and hard worker, he was extremely smart. He spoke English as fluently as Serbian, was very smart and capable. A great tragedy. We have no words for how sorry we are for what happened to him, the workers added.

COME ON. He did not marry and lived in Boljevac. The mining inspection and further investigation will determine more details of the accident.
