His mother and friends searched for him all night, all trace of him was lost! If you see it, tell the police PHOTO


Jovan Cvetković (18), a graduate of the Niš School of Art, has been losing all traces between the settlements of Duvanište and Nemanjića Boulevard since last night at 11pm.

His mother Milica, visibly crying and worried, says her phone was available until 4 a.m. this morning, and then the signal was lost.

He is a good and polite guy who is not attached to a naughty young man, so it cannot be assumed that he is part of bad company and the like.

– In the afternoon, Jovan went with his friends to play. We talk around half past nine. Around 11pm, he didn’t answer my phone, so I called my friend and sent him home. She told me she was on her way home. As she lives ten minutes from us, she was waiting for him, and then all trace of him was lost – said Kurir’s mother Milica.

Jovan’s father lives in Switzerland and is also concerned about the news that his son has disappeared and cannot even guess where he is.

Jovan was wearing black jeans and a sweatshirt, as well as a dark jacket, and her mother reported the disappearance to police around midnight.

Jovan was searched all night by his mother and all his friends, so citizens are asked to inform the police of any news about this guy.


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Author: delivery courier
