“High” for 5G: Brnabić Says Citizens Don’t Need It, Experts: State Has No Money


Plans for the introduction of an ultra-fast 5G mobile network in Serbia have been canceled. At least when it comes to 2021. The government and mobile operators agreed that the 4G network in all parts of the country should be further developed first.

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic says that citizens do not need a 5G network, although earlier all state officials, including the Electronic Communications Regulatory Agency, claimed that 5G is crucial for the Serbian economy and therefore for citizens. Telecommunications experts for the first half say that the real reason for the change in plans is that the state is simply: “no money for now.”

There is no super-fast network, but that’s why Prime Minister Ana Brnabić’s sarcasm is on the 5G level.

“We charge an additional 3,000 per PCR for the test, so we will have 5G,” said the Prime Minister.

After joking, the Prime Minister explained that Serbia is not lagging behind and that most European countries have not introduced a 5G network either.

“It is especially important to mention that the citizens of Serbia currently do not need a 5G network. The scientific community, those who use supercomputers for artificial intelligence, eventually need 5G. But we as ordinary citizens do not need a 5G network,” said the Prime Minister.

However, government officials have always talked about the 5G network as the biggest development opportunity, which is why former minister in charge of telecommunications Rasim Ljajic said that “no previous generation could have as much impact on the economy as 5G technology” , while RATEL in its publications, states that the 5G network is crucial for the economy.

The journalist of the portal “Netokracija”, Marko Crnjanski, affirms that in the future foreign investors will choose the countries in which they have access to 5G internet.

“Your application is not only for users who broadcast and the like, but it will also be used in industries. For example, operations can be performed thanks to the 5G network. Someone can be an assistant in the operating room through the 5G network”, Marko Crnjanski explained.

With the Washington agreement, Serbia has pledged not to buy 5G equipment from unreliable suppliers, which is seen as an American attempt to block China’s Huawei, the company that has gone the furthest in developing 5G technology. However, the professor of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Petar Đukić, believes that the reasons for postponing the auction of the 5G network are not political, but economic.

“There is no money, but not just that there is no money in the budget at the moment. There is no other possibility that that money will show up anytime soon,” says Professor Đukić.

The installation of the 5G network would require tens of millions of euros of investment, which, as Professor Đukić says, is currently not convenient for operators.

“Based on everything we have heard about the condition of our company Telekom, and we have had the opportunity to know its visible and invisible costs and losses, which could not be expected at this time,” he added.

Greece, for its part, has launched a 5G network in 12 cities with a communication speed of one gigabyte per second. The first 5G speed video call was made by Prime Minister Mitsotakis and Minister of Innovation.
