Hiding the death toll of kovid is the biggest fraud in medicine: the Society


Professor Zoran Radovanović’s book “Medicine, Ethics and Politics” was promoted in Niš tonight (Dan Graf, 2020)

Tonight, October 5, Professor Zoran Radovanović’s book “Medicine, Ethics and Politics”, Dan Graf, Belgrade 2020, was promoted in Nis.

Hiding the number of kovid deaths is the biggest fraud in medicine 1Photo: Siniša Obrenić

– Few of the citizens of Serbia today trust crisis personnel, and that will be a key problem in the third wave of the corona virus epidemic. Citizens had to obtain accurate information throughout the epidemic and not receive incorrect information, because they are not sheep. The truth must be communicated in doses, but he did not dare hide it, the author said.

Radovanović estimated that covering up the number of deaths from kovid is the biggest fraud in the 800-year history of medicine.

– The data has never been hidden in that way and to that extent. The Crisis Staff has lost its authority, so the government must bring in several uncompromising people, whom citizens will trust and listen to their recommendations, he said, and announced that Doctors United against Kovid will demand the resignation of the Crisis Staff on October 6 .

Responding to the question of why he became, as part of public opinion, the only voice of reason, Professor Radovanovic said that it was the obligation of intellectuals, but at the same time expressed understanding for the fear of many doctors and workers from health to public expression.

He also referred to the position of scholar Vladimir Kostić, who wrote in the preface: “Once some personalities become voices that critically reexamine the dominant narratives, they become the property of the public (not to be delivered uncritically), that The tendencies to fatigue, in their conformity to impose on the deceived to deliver a little fire to Homo sapiens, to be ‘conscientious to the point of perversity’, become ‘automatons of the care of conscience’. It is a dangerous trick of transfer of responsibility, ”wrote academic Vladimir Kostić in the preface, noting the importance and role of Professor Radovanović’s public speeches.

The promotion was organized as part of a meeting dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the October 5 changes, organized by the New Optimism movement, the South News portal and the City Smart radio, with the support of the Danas newspaper and the Open Society Foundation.

The meeting also presented the New Optimism manifesto, and the talks were attended by Professor Radovanovic, retired professor of sociology Djokica Jovanovic, journalists Nedim Sejdinovic and Gordana Bjeletic, and the chairman of the Nis Human Rights Committee, Dragan. Djordjevic.

About the book

The foreword to the book “Medicine, Ethics and Politics” was written by Professor Dr. Vladimir Kostić, President of SANU, as well as one of the founders of “Danas” and longtime editor, Božidar Andrejić, and the foreword by the President of the board of directors of Koraci Marko Oljača.

The book is on sale and, at a discounted price of 1,400 dinars, it can be purchased at the Danas premises (Aleksa Nenadovića 19-23, Belgrade) or by email at [email protected] or by phone at 011/2436233 ), and can be requested through this link.

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