He’s sitting serious, in a suit, and German brands are raining on him.


BECAUSE OF THESE PHOTOS OF SHIANS, KNELETS AND SNAILS, TODAY THE DUST IS INCREASING: He is sitting serious, in a suit, and German marks are raining on him.

Photo: Private archive, Vladimir Šporčić, Youtube

BELGRADE – Money, fame, expensive cars, they had it all and did not hesitate to show it.

This is how people lived then, other standards were valid in Serbia in the 1990s, but the photos that shocked the public at the time evoke the same sentiment now, if not more, because those born ten years later only found out what Dangerous life was in the 1990s from her parents’ stories.

The photo that still attracts a lot of attention today is the one where Zoran Šijan is sitting serious in a suit and money literally falls on him, and that is a strong German brand in the years when 100 marks meant life, in every sense. With that money you could live well for a whole month, and whoever had 100 marks in his pocket was rich. They lived but also died for 100 marks. The time that has been and has never returned.

At a time when fewer than 100 marks were stolen and killed, these car beasts passed through Belgrade …

One of the saddest and most difficult memories is that of the demonstration on March 9, 1991, when two people died. This photo shows Knele breaking the police cordon.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
