He’s not dead, he’s just sleeping!


Serbian patriarch Irineus was buried yesterday at around 1:30 pm in the crypt of the temple of Saint Sava, and is the first Serbian patriarch to be buried in the temple – which was finally completed during his lifetime and his place on the throne of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

The hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church formed a column, headed by a cross, and the coffin with green clothes, a scepter and a panakamilavka was carried by members of the Serbian Army Guard. This act was preceded by a requiem liturgy, which began at nine o’clock and was served by Metropolitan Chrysostom of Dabro-Bosnia, as well as a service, which followed around 11 o’clock.

photo: Nemanja Nikolić

A man of peace

In the words of the Bishop of Bačka Irinej, the patriarch was a man of peace whose goodness was understood by all. In his sermon, the Bishop of Bačka also said that we bid farewell to the patriarch with more joy than sadness. – He didn’t die, he’s just sleeping. Our Patriarch Irinej was an active witness to all the words of the Gospel, a man of peace, the embodiment of peace, a peacemaker and peacemaker among peoples, and above all in his own people – said the Bishop of Bačka, but there was also who said and wrote that the patriarch is not modern enough, rigid and intolerant, which is attributed to the whole Church, since it is docile and is even ready for “rotten compromises.”

Goodness of the gospel

– Fortunately, none of this is true, because our patriarch Irinej, as his name implies, the one he received at baptism, but also the later monastic, was a man of peace, the embodiment of peace, a peacemaker and peacemaker among the people, Christians, between nations, and especially in his own people, of whom he has been a spiritual father for the last 10 years. Everyone understood his goodness, not only human but evangelical, which radiated his personality – said Mgr. Irinej.

photo: Tanjug Dimitrije Goll

He also cited two phrases, he claimed, from Serbian intellectuals, “representatives of the real intellectual and cultural elite, not false”, who stated about Patriarch Irinej: – His softness was his strength, and his restraint – his wisdom. The calm hand of Patriarch Irinej, without rhetoric or pomp, firmly held the helm of our church, seeing that he never forgets the Serbian state and never renounces the Serbian people and our sacred Kosovo and Metohija.

photo: Nemanja Nikolić

A large number of believers gathered in front of the Temple to say goodbye to their leader. They also followed the liturgy and the service through two video beams, considering that the stay inside the sanctuary was limited due to the pandemic.


During the prayer, a dove with outstretched wings flew towards the Temple of Saint Sava. The bird was in front of the Nemanjić frescoes and the crucifixion of Jesus.

photo: AP Darko Vojinović


Patriarch Irinej is the first chief buried in the crypt of the Temple of Saint Sava

Besides this tomb, there are several other tombs, because in the future the leaders of the Serbian Orthodox Church will be buried in the crypt of the Temple.

The part of the crypt where the patriarchs will be buried, the ambulatory, is very rare in Orthodox churches and only a few in the world have this space.

The outpatient clinic of the Temple of Saint Sava was built on the model of the Hagia Sophia of Constantinople

photo: Printscreen Instagram / Budućnost Srbije

The crypt is the part where the buried patriarch extends between the foundations of the Temple St. Sava and has pillars with a maximum height of 6.2 meters. The depth of the temple is about seven meters, and the completion of the crypt and its painting were blessed by Patriarch Pavle in 2001.

It spans 2,000 square meters between the foundations of the Temple of Saint Sava and represents structurally and architecturally a completely independent underground structure.

It is characterized by a special construction with four entrances, and in the crypt is actually the Church of Prince Lazar, whose altar is located under the altar space of the Temple of Saint Sava.

Tradition and special connection CANTANTE CHORUS “BRANKO”

The church singing group “Branko”, a choir founded in the diocese of Nis 133 years ago, sang yesterday at the funeral of Patriarch Irinej. This choir was decorated by the patriarch himself with the Order of Saint Sava of the second degree, and they sang at the enthronement of two patriarchs: Paul and Irinej.


A member of the Russian Church, a Korean DEACON, GOT THE GREATEST ATTENTION

Yesterday the attention of the public was drawn to the figure of a young man who was in the Temple among the clergy. It is a Korean deacon of the metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, who is also the chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church.

photo: Tanjug / Tara Radovanović
photo: Courier

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Today, in addition to the Kurir newspaper, you will receive a CAN OPENER as a gift.

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photo: Promo

Read the MAIL!

Katarina Blagović

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
