HERO WILL BE ALLOWED FOR ETERNAL REST AWAY: Major Krsnik’s son delivered a tricolor, a large number of citizens accompanied the pilot (PHOTO / VIDEO) – Vecernje Novosti


  1. HERO WILL BE ALLOWED ETERNAL REST AWAY: Major Krsnik’s son received a tricolor, a large number of citizens accompanied the pilot (PHOTO / VIDEO) Vecernje Novosti
  2. FUNERAL OF THE ELDERLY DEJAN KRSNIK: inconsolable wife and son, friends and colleagues of the Serbian army send him to the Kurir
  3. PILOT DEATH NEAR MALI ZVORNIK Examination of the wreck reveals whether the accident was caused by a TECHNICIAN … Blic
  4. WRECK HIDES THE REASON FOR THE ACCIDENT: The dice are being gathered for the cause of the accident of the MiG 21 plane, in which two Vecernje Novosti officers died
  5. “WE SHOULD HAND TO EACH OTHER, HOW TO SEE AGAIN TOMORROW” Friends and colleagues say goodbye to death … Blic
  6. See full description in Google News