Here’s why three times fewer deaths were reported than the crown in June!


PREDRAG KON FIND OUT WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WRONG DATA: Here's why three times fewer deaths were reported than the crown in June!

Photo: BETA / Milan Obradović

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon, a member of the crisis staff, said that based on his research, and according to data from the City Institute of Public Health, there were three times more deaths from kovid 19 in Belgrade from March to June than those collected by the system, and explained that the problem was in the computer program and that the computer scientists were giving inaccurate data.

June data is yet to come

Kon pointed out that the crisis headquarters communicated all the information they had, that nothing was hidden and that, unlike the death toll and the number that was officially announced, those responsible for IT were IT specialists, who gave incorrect information .

– I affirm, under full moral responsibility, that the crisis headquarters in the medical field could not have more data than what it received from the IT department. At the time the data was suspected, and that was in June, it was clear that the information system was seriously failing and it was warned – this epidemiologist said yesterday, and on Tuesday night he said:

– It should be understood that there is something that applies during the event itself. We are using an information system for the first time. That system wasn’t accurate enough at one point and I can’t say why … So somewhere up until mid-June, it wasn’t accurate, Kon told “Newsmax Adria.”

He added that the number of deaths cannot be accurately expressed unless a certain period passes.

– Only in two months, the data entered in the death certificates will be returned … Now the data for June will arrive. I processed the data in June. In June, in summary, there were three times more deaths than were reported in writing. It happens all the time, the problem is in the computer system. We have never worked according to that system because there has never been such a supervisory system – said Kon.

According to him, in this case, an information system was developed without which epidemiologists could not work. He emphasized that at the beginning there were no covid clinics and that they could not work on data collection, especially because that data did not arrive and “no reports of infectious diseases arrived.” Kon says that in his research he used mortality statistics and DN2 patterns, as well as data from the City Institute of Public Health.

A total of 749 victims

– Death certificates have three parts: direct, basic and indirect cause of death, and they reach two months. What is published directly, what is in the information system, is one thing and the data extract from the written system is another. The data arrives at the City Office after two days, and based on what I followed, the data that can now be seen on the website is very approximate and as far as Belgrade is concerned it fits into this. said Dr. Kon.

He stated that when “total mortality is monitored from year to year, by comparing the average before 2020, there are 345 people in ‘excess’ mortality for the entire period.” – Just so you know, it happens in all epidemics – he emphasized.

By the way, 749 people have died of coronavirus in Serbia since the beginning of the epidemic.

Another day of 72 cases without the deceased

In the last 24 hours, 6,561 people were tested in Serbia, and 72 of them tested positive, while there were no deaths.

Zlatibor Lončar Only autopsy is authorized

The Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, stated that the data on kovida mortality 19 presented by Dr. Kon is not final and that an audit has not yet been carried out or verified. – Kon explained that there is data that did not enter the system, but everything we knew was communicated. Only an autopsy can confirm what someone died of, and that has not been done to any patient when they are suspected of dying from covid. We all fight to have as few deaths as possible and to have as many healthy and survivors as possible. We have shown that we are not liars. Serbia has the best result and the whole world recognizes it, but for some it does not suit them. Do you think that the whole world, with the WHO, that everyone who has an idea of ​​everything, someone lied to them and that the whole world is lying? – Lončar told reporters.

photo: Zorana Jevtić

Messenger / Jelena Pronić Photo: BETA / Milan Obradović

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