Here’s who will get the vaccine first! The most important decision falls!



12.22.2020. 15:06

This is a great day for Serbia in the fight against kovid-19, said Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health Mirsad Đerlek today and noted that the first vaccinations, with the Pfizer vaccine, which arrived in Serbia this morning, are expected next week, immediately after getting permission from the Agency. of Drugs (ALIMS).

Mirsad Đerlek

Mirsad Đerlek, Photo: print screen

This is a great day for Serbia in the fight against kovida-19, said Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health Mirsad Đerlek today, noting that the first vaccines, with the Pfizer vaccine, which arrived in Serbia this morning, are expected. next week, immediately after getting permission from the Agency. of Drugs (ALIMS).

– A session of the Immunization Coordination Team is underway, and during the day we will know exactly who will receive the vaccines first, since 4,875 doses have already arrived. It is important that the vaccine reaches Serbia and that immunization begins next week, which is a great success – said Djerlek.

He recalled that ALIMS has given permission for the importation of around 24,000 vaccines, and that another 21,000 Pfizer vaccines are expected in January, adding that intensive talks are underway on both the Russian Spunik V and Chinese vaccines, on which said the public will be informed in detail in time. .

Djerlek noted that the “cold chain” protocol was fully respected today and the vaccine was immediately placed in the refrigerator at minus 80 degrees.

“Everything required by the procedure has been met,” said Djerlek.

He affirmed that the state is doing everything possible to fulfill its promise, recalling that President Aleksandar Vučić also said that the first quantities of vaccines would arrive at the end of the year, that is, this week.

Today is the first meeting of the Immunization Coordination Team, and the plan is to prepare an operational immunization plan in 2021, which, it says, will change according to the influx of vaccines and target groups.

– We have shown once again that a “small” Serbia can be among the few countries that were among the first to receive the vaccine against kovid-19 in a short period of time. We have shown how much the state of Serbia has improved on a European and global level and that our friends have respected us, which means that there is a probability that in the next period we will get as many vaccines as we need to achieve herd immunity, finally ending with covid and live normally – said Djerlek.

The first quantity of vaccines, which arrived in Serbia this morning, was delivered to the “Torlak” Institute around noon, where they were taken over by the commission in charge of receiving the vaccine.
