Here’s who transmits the virus the fastest and who are the super transmitters


Schools are the place of greatest risk for the transmission of the corona virus, says epidemiologist and Crisis Staff member Predrag Kon, adding that the super-carriers of the virus are high school and college students.

He explained that, in fact, young people up to 25 or 30 years old transmit the virus faster due to the high frequency of contacts.

“There are more than 850,000 students in primary and secondary schools, but a functional system has been created in our schools,” Kon told TV Pink, emphasizing that wearing masks has contributed to half of respiratory infections in the fourth week. September than in the same period. last year.

He points out that preventive measures are applied in schools, that in the first three weeks the virus was registered in 21 primary schools and seven secondary schools, but that all were individual cases, the transmission was registered in only one school.

It states that currently some 48,000 Serbian citizens who have returned from abroad are under surveillance and that the surveillance system is also working.

Asked about the relaxation of measures regarding the organization of events, fairs, he said that the current situation in Serbia is relatively good, that September has been successfully overcome, but that the importation of the virus still continues.

photo: Printscreen Pink

“We expect that the transmission of the virus will begin to increase in October, and that should not go with events in which the risk of transmission is present. Some manifestations will not be epidemiologically approved. We must prevent a sudden increase and increase in the number of patients “said the epidemiologist. .

Speaking of vaccines, Kon said that we are about to get vaccinated against the flu, that the vaccine will reach all health centers today.

He points out that vaccination against seasonal flu is very important because an increase in the number of people suffering from kovid is expected.

Speaking of the corona virus vaccine, Kon stated that we are approaching the situation that it will be available in smaller quantities.

It is up to the Medicines Agency to assess when the situation is and which vaccine can be used in Serbia, because safety is very important.


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