Here’s who the mystery director is when the minister can’t find her


AFTER BAJATOVIC, HE ALSO GOT AN EDUCATIONAL FROM ZORANA MIHAJLOVIC: Here's the mysterious director the minister can't find

Photo: Printscreen Instagram

Yesterday, Energy Minister Zorana Mihajlović publicly invited Stevan Dukić, director of Transportgas, to attend the government meeting. This director, who was also written about when the Minister of Energy expelled the director of Srbijagas, Dušan Bajatović, from the meeting, currently runs his sister company Srbijagas.

Transportgas, the company managed by Dukić, was founded in 2015, following the restructuring of Srbijagas and the decision to form two new companies, Transportgas Srbija and Distribucijagas Srbija.

According to APR data, Transportgas posted a loss of 2.6 million dinars in 2018 and a profit of 730 million in 2019. Last year, the company had 73 employees and in 2018 16 employees. The media also stated that the company started working at full capacity last year.

Dukić is a graduate mechanical engineer with more than 20 years of work experience in the gas industry, according to the website of the company he runs.

He served as natural gas transportation engineer, head of the natural gas transportation service, head of the Natural Gas Transportation Work Unit, head of the natural gas transportation sector, and executive director of technology at NIS-GAS and JP Srbijagas.

Dukić is a graduate mechanical engineer with more than 20 years of work experience in the gas industry, according to the website of the company he runs.

He served as natural gas transportation engineer, head of the natural gas transportation service, head of the Natural Gas Transportation Work Unit, head of the natural gas transportation sector, and executive director of technology at NIS-GAS and JP Srbijagas.

Yesterday, Minister Mihajlović stated that she wanted to send several messages to the directors who were given the responsibility and the task of managing certain state-owned companies, especially in the gas sector, and first pointed out that they were not her private companies.

“The next message is that the Government of Serbia is not a café and that you can go to it whenever you want and with whoever you want, but when the Government of Serbia and the corresponding ministry invite you to certain meetings,” he added.

When talking about how he cannot establish contact with the director of Transportgas, he said that he does not respond to calls, and that the secretary has known for an hour and does not know where he is for an hour.


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