HERE’S WHO SHOT IN NEW BELGRADE: Alajbegović fired again, former fan leader wounded in chest and legs


He suffered gunshot wounds to the chest and legs, and was taken by taxi to the Emergency Center around 7:40 p.m.

As he himself claimed, he was injured on Marshal Tolbuhin Street, and the attacker is unknown for now.

Police found six shell casings at the scene of the shooting.

Alajbegović already has an extensive file and was charged with drug trafficking. There are more than 60 criminal acts on record, and he was first arrested when he was only 12 years old.

He was wounded in Sacekusa on January 25 of this year, and shot in June 2019, as well as 2010.

In July 2010, he miraculously escaped unharmed when a waiting room was built in front of the building where he lived, in Ulica narodnih heroja in New Belgrade. He was then shot by an unknown man as he was leaving the building, but the three bullets fired missed him.

When his assassination attempt was attempted again near the New Belgrade municipality in 2019, he refused to cooperate with the police.

By the way, Nenad was for a long time one of the leaders of the Partizan fan group “Forbidden”, which has been in fierce conflict with the rival faction “Alcatraz” for years. Police officers and security experts have repeatedly pointed out that, in the context of amateur conflicts, there is not only dominance in the stands, but also control of the drug market in Belgrade and other criminal matters.

Nenad’s brother Dejan was also one of the leaders of the Partizan fans, and was assassinated 15 years ago.

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