HERE’S WHEN I STOP THE BOWL: A famous meteorologist brings good news and finds out if it’s going to snow!


– Serbia is under the influence of an Adriatic cyclone, so afternoon and evening rains, sleet and snow are expected in the mountains and in eastern Serbia. Precipitation is expected for Thursday morning.

As our area was still located between a strong Russian anticyclone and an Adriatic cyclone, there was a very steep air pressure gradient, so in the Košava area and in the mountains the wind gusts from the southeast were stormy today, 60 to 90 km / h, in Belgrade up to 65 km / h, and in the south of Hurricane Banat, in Vršac and more than 120 km / h – writes Đurić.

– The good news is that the cyclone overcame, the pressure dropped to values ​​below normal, so the gradient decreases more and more, so the basket weakens. Starting tomorrow at last without a basket.

According to Đurić, on Friday it will rain only in the south and on Saturday in the south and east of Serbia. During the night between Saturday and Sunday, the rainfall extends to the whole area of ​​Serbia, so rainy weather is expected on Sunday and Monday, in the mountains with sleet and snow.

As he himself says, the maximum temperature in the next few days will be five to ten degrees.

– From next Tuesday, until the next seven days, a strong anticyclone will cause a stable and dry climate. In the lower regions, it is possible to maintain fog and gloomy weather throughout the day, so it will be colder than in the sunny mountains. Due to the reversal of temperature and the windless climate, the heavy air pollution in the lower layers of the atmosphere will again be relevant. By the way, thanks to the basket, we have been breathing much cleaner air for the last 10 days, except for the inhabitants of Timočka and Negotinska Krajina and the valley areas, Đurić says.

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