Here’s what could happen to schools in winter if the crown doesn’t weaken


If there are no significant changes, and as things are now, students will return to class on Monday after the current mini vacation. However, significant changes could occur around the date and length of the regular winter vacation.

However, in yesterday’s crisis staff session, the length of the regular winter break was discussed. He wondered whether to be on the territory of all of Serbia at the same time. The final decision has yet to be made, but crisis staff are closer to the option of having the vacation last about a month. Practically, start around December 19 and end on January 21. These terms would be unique for the whole of Serbia, because until now, schools in Vojvodina and central Serbia had different vacation dates, says “Blic”.

Closing schools is the last option crisis staff hope will not come next. Schools and kindergartens turned out to be neither places of infection nor a more serious transmission of the virus. Therefore, the number of patients, among students and teaching staff, is not alarming.

At the school level, a mechanism was previously established according to which, if one child falls ill, classes continue, but if there are two, which indicates that there has been a transfer, the entire group follows the classes online for the next 15 days.

According to the latest published data, there were 12 sick children in preschool institutions, which represents 0.005 percent of the total number (224,000), while 82 out of 30,200 employees became ill.

In Serbian primary schools, a total of 298 students out of 524,000 are infected, representing 0.057 percent.

High school students have a higher percentage of infection, so of 245,000, 327 contracted Kovid 19.

Among employees and teaching staff, there are more patients in elementary schools, 297 out of 31,628, while in secondary schools out of 68,082 employees, 126 have the presence of Kovid 19.


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