Here’s how to celebrate, if there will be another state of emergency, and the crown’s death toll.


Serbia, like the rest of the northern hemisphere, is preparing for a new attack from the corona virus. Some will call it the second blow, others the third blow, and epidemiologists claim that we are all under the same thing, the first blow of the virus, because the corona is not even gone.

The guest of “Hot Days” on Kurir Television was Dr. Predrag Kon from the City Institute for Public Health in Belgrade and member of the Crisis Staff for the fight against Kovid 19, who answered all current questions about the coronavirus and the epidemiological situation .

photo: Courier

Tomorrow at 11 is a meeting of the Crisis Staff.

“It is basically an assessment of the epidemiological situation, mainly in the territory of Belgrade. There is a slight increase in the number of infected and hospitalized in Belgrade. We will also discuss some parties of greater social importance,” said Dr. Kon.

How many waves have there been so far?

“Essentially, it doesn’t matter, it’s clear to everyone what we’re talking about when we talk about spikes, crashes, spikes” …

The season of glory is coming.

“It is a very serious subject. We have not talked about it enough. Celebrations are a hallmark of the home and that is how we introduce people directly to their parties and you have to be very careful. You cannot forbid it, but people it can be approached and explained that and in such circumstances we avoid close contact. Nobody wanted to infect anyone except in pathological cases. “

“The essence is not having many people in a small space, with a great possibility of contact. That is the essence, and how to get there? Maybe only invite those closest to me.

photo: Courier

To meet in winter.

“The flu virus has its season, it is discovered at the end of December, although it depends on the school holidays, and the maximum is in February and March. It also depends on the schools, which currently have a functional protection system ”.

About the intersection of seasonal flu and corona:

“It already exists in kovid dispensaries to determine who is particularly suspicious based on the examination of the biochemical analysis and the blood image, and then they are sent for further tests.”

Extraordinary fit again?

“I don’t think it can happen again. I say I do, because there has to be room for some surprising situation. At the beginning of the epidemic, it was forced.”

The student school year has also started.

“We have a case at the student polyclinic, but it’s not really significant.”

photo: Courier

Outdoor masks?

“The recommendation is to always use maxi, and you know where they are required.”

Kon said earlier that in two weeks, everything could go “to hell”.

“In two weeks, the virus can spread widely without being seen right away. It should take almost a month from total relaxation until you see an explosion through the numbers.”

About the vaccine:

“Honestly, I do not follow the vaccines themselves as expected, because in our country there is an institution that has all the registration authorizations. We are approaching that the vaccines will appear. A vaccine from Russia is registered, but only for the territory of that country. country. When will it be? ” Registered in Europe and in our country? That is the question. It is possible that other vaccines will appear in the world in December or after the New Year, even in our country. One cannot expect 100% protection from the vaccine. And when there are vaccines, we will have to protect ourselves AND it depends on when we get herd immunity. “

photo: Courier

“The vaccine can be used during an epidemic,” Dr. Conn said.

About computer scientists and the crown death toll:

“One thing is the current situation, and the other is the subsequent interrogations. It is not about negligence and concealment. The information system must be explained by computer scientists. Systems can make mistakes, and the question of who is at fault arises. immediately”.

On Trump’s deal:

“The decision of the infectologist of our crisis staff, which I respect, is not to speak publicly about the treatment. One of the reasons is that as soon as people find out about a drug, they immediately rush to buy it.”


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