HERE’S HOW THE SELF-ASSESSMENT TEST LOOKS ON THE CROWN These are the questions that those who return to Serbia will answer


Citizens of Serbia who will be returning from Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania, and who will be under surveillance, can also complete a self-assessment test for the corona virus.

This was hinted this morning by Dr. Predrag Kon, on Pink’s morning show, talking about the driving models of our passenger supervision, which will start on Friday at 6pm.

– Everyone who enters the country must be aware that they come from a country where there is transmission. You will receive a notification about the supervision and obligation to report to the Kovid ambulance. We need to clearly define how all of this will be implemented. There are two places you can call, the institutes of public health and the kovid ambulance. There is also an electronic possibility, through a self-assessment test, that automatically sends the data to primary health care – said Dr. Kon.

The self-assessment test for the corona virus can be performed from April and only takes 5 minutes.

It can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health, and the procedure for completing the test is very simple.

Register first

Whoever wants to do it, must first register, and that is done by entering the LBO and the number of the health book.

Then, the personal data, place of residence, telephone number are completed, and then it is necessary to mark the answers to the questions that were asked.

First, the date of onset of symptoms and the amount of fever are entered.

The following questions are answered by checking a box.

Answers given should be checked first if there is pain in the muscles, chest, abdomen, or joints.

Photo: screenshot

To complete the test, it is necessary to mark some of the symptoms, and they are: shortness of breath, general weakness, diarrhea, cough, nausea – vomiting, sore throat, headache, runny nose, anxiety-confusion, loss of sense of taste and loss of sense of smell.

The self-assessment test can be found on the first page of the site

It is necessary to indicate if the person has a chronic disease, as well as if, if it is a woman, it is a mother or a pregnant woman.

Part about travel and contacts

In the third part of the test itself, the insured completes whether they have been in any of the countries within 14 days after the onset of symptoms, as well as where and in what period.

The last thing that is requested in the test is the contact information, if the person traveled to the infected area or if he was in one of the health institutions where COVID patients are treated.

After answering all of these questions, all it takes is one click away from the test results and it comes right away.

The test can be repeated again, 7 days after the previous one, and all the data is stored in the primary health care base.

The goal of this trial, as Prime Minister Ana Brnabić stated in April, is to reduce crowds and waiting and speed up the healing process. In the first five days, when it was put into operation, 3,500 citizens underwent the test, the Ministry of Health reported to at the time.

The self-assessment test is mentioned as one of the models to monitor those who will return from these four, the aforementioned countries.

Yesterday, the crisis personnel for the fight against the corona virus made the decision to carry out the supervision of these citizens of ours.

At the borders, during passport control, they will receive notifications that they are under surveillance and that they must report to Kovid’s ambulance. This morning we were able to hear the statements of the profession, which may call the public health institutes, but also through the call center by phone, as well as electronically, filling out a self-assessment test.

All the details, that is, the complete procedure, must be determined before Friday.

The truth for now is that even if our citizens ignore the recommendations of the profession, they will not be sanctioned.
