Here’s how much you will receive if you’ve had 20,000 or 30,000 so far!


January pensions will be increased according to the “Swiss formula”, which will continue to improve the standards of pensioners in 2021, as announced by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, announced the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs.

Total increase in pensions in the period 2012-2021. it is 30.9 percent, and for pensioners who receive a sum of money as an increase with a pension it is 37.5 percent.

Tor means that the person who had 20,000 dinars In 2012, it will have 27,499 dinars, and who had 30,000 dinars it will have 39,284 dinars.

“The pension system in recent years shows a continuous positive trend in line with the fiscal consolidation achieved, achieving economic stability. The measures taken have created a solid basis for the continuation of the positive trend in the coming years,” said the Director of the Dragana Kalinovic Pension Fund.

As he says, thanks to the established fiscal discipline, a constant growth in the amount of pensions has been ensured through regular adjustments, and additional payments have also been introduced to pensioners, but without disturbing the sustainability of the system.

“Therefore, the growth of pensioners’ standards is being improved in a sustainable way,” added the director of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund.

Thanks to the progress of the state economy and the growth of employment, the income of the Disability Insurance Fund and Pensions of the Republic on the basis of contributions is constantly increasing, reducing the need for additional funding from the budget.

The average pension is higher at 1,662 dinars.

In practice, this means that the average pension in Serbia, which amounts to 27,700 dinars, will be increased by a minimum of 1,662 dinars.

Pensions of 20,000 will be higher by about 1,200 dinars, while those receiving 25,000 can expect an increase of 1,500 dinars.

Pensioners with a pension of 40,000 will have an increase of 2,400 and those with a pension of 45,000 will receive 300 more dinars.

Those whose pensions are among the highest will receive the largest increases. Thus, retirees with 100,000 dinars can count on a 6,000 dinar increase, while those with 105,000 dinars can count on a pension increased by 6,300 dinars. (Flash)

The collection of the Fund’s source of income since 2012 has a very positive trend and from 51.1 percent of the contributions that participated in the Fund’s income in 2012, in 2019 they represented 74.6 percent of total income.

The positive trend continued in 2020. Until the declaration of the state of emergency due to the pandemic, the original revenue collection was higher than expected by 1.1 billion dinars.

A solid foundation has been laid for continued income growth for pension recipients in the years to come.

The income of beneficiaries whose pensions are low due to low wages in the past or shorter insurance periods, were additionally increased with the payment of a monetary amount as an increase with the pension, which has been paid regularly since October 2018, by 1, 3 million pensioners.

Additionally, one-time payments have been paid once a year since 2016, and in five years, 38.3 billion dinars have been paid to pensioners on that basis, which is a total of 22,000 dinars per pensioner.

Although 2020 is full of challenges globally, due to the current epidemiological situation that is pushing most countries into recession, the Serbian economy is showing strength and resilience, so there is a real possibility to ensure continued growth. of the standards of pensioners. To make it easier to go through the period of the state of emergency, all pension recipients received 4,000 dinars in April this year, “said Kalinovic.

Constant care for pensioners is also achieved through the improvement of the social standard of pensioners, and in 2020 513.66 million dinars were provided for free recovery in spas for more than 14,000 pensioners whose pension reaches the average amount.

“Thanks to all the measures taken in the past period and the economic results achieved, it is certain that the base achieved and the growth trend registered in the number of employees and salary increases, and therefore in the collection of income from the source of the Fund, will allow the plan to be specified. In 2025, the average pension is 440 euros, said the Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs, Zoran Djordjevic.

He notes that Aleksandar Vučić’s policy paid off well.

“The trust that citizens have shown him is justified, I am sure that in the future we will achieve all the goals that we set for ourselves and provide an even better standard of living for our citizens,” concluded Djordjevic.


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