Here’s how long the third crown peak can last and which 3 cities in Serbia are critical


The corona virus in all the countries of Serbia shows great potential and is transmitted rapidly, because we are entering the autumn-winter period when it is most active, says epidemiologist Predrag Kon, adding that the third peak can last from 12 to 16 weeks.

He said that the number of infected people is increasing in Belgrade, but also in Kragujevac and Valjevo, and how much we slow it down depends on the implementation of epidemiological measures.

“It depends on our behavior how much we slow it down. It can take 12 to 16 weeks with the slowdown. The more we slow it down, the fewer people will have a tragic outcome,” Conn said.

He claimed that many European countries did not have a second peak during the summer, such as Serbia, and that they are only now having another virus outbreak.

Serbia had a second stroke during the summer and an increase in the number of patients, and Kon believes that because of that, our country is better than the rest of Europe at the moment.

He points out that it is important to wear masks outdoors in pedestrian areas where it is impossible to control distances.

“Wearing a mask is recommended everywhere and everywhere. The only country that sticks to the crown issue is China, because everyone wears a mask all the time. Thanks to that, such a populous nation is left without a single one. holster, “he stressed.

Explain that if everyone wears masks, the protection against virus transmission is 99 percent.

If only one person wears a mask and no one is wearing it around them, then they are only 30 percent protected.

Kon points out that collective awareness is important, that by applying the recommended measures, the transmission of the virus can be reduced while we do not have the vaccine.

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“By slowing down the transmission of the virus, we are not only ensuring that the health system survives, but we are surviving the period until the arrival of the vaccine that should provide herd immunity. This is too serious a disease to wait for herd immunity. develop naturally, “he said.

The number of patients in covid clinics is constantly increasing, so in Belgrade the previous week it was 11.6 percent and last week 20 percent.

Kon says that he is “moved” when he sees people on the street who are disciplined, who wear masks and that you have to understand that sometimes the crisis personnel for the fight against kovid 19 are more acute because they are “very worried”.

“You cannot put aside the fact that the virus is accelerating so dramatically in the immediate vicinity, and you can see the celebrations and some untouchables, as we call them in the medical part of the Crisis Personnel,” Kon said.

It explains that the behavior must be changed until the virus has spread, otherwise the massive infection will force everyone to change the behavior.

Asked about what will happen to the schools and if they will close, Kon said that it is not up to the epidemiologist that the teaching model for the schools has been made and that it works.

“Last week, there were individual cases of infection in 26 schools, of which 10 were secondary, and the week before there were 27 schools. It is rare to clearly see transmission in school, transmission occurs outside of school,” he said.

The procedure is that if two infected students appear in a class, the whole class goes to online classes, so it can happen that ten classes in a school follow online classes, but that does not mean that live classes are interrupted in the school.

Supervision, he says, is good in schools and kindergartens, but better supervision of large groups and entertainment venues is lacking.

(, TV Pink)

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