Here we show you how to avoid infections and where you are SAFER


Along with the end of the state of emergency, the activities that were marked at the beginning of the proclamation of the epidemic of special importance as the most risky for the transmission of the virus, which still exists among us, have come back to life. And what are the places where the greatest danger of the virus lies in wait?

Urban transport

There is no doubt that city traffic carries the greatest risk, regardless of the fact that numerous measures are prescribed: only one person can sit in double seats, the distance between those who stand is determined … So it is very Important, with the maximum efforts to maintain the prescribed distance, and for everyone to wear masks and gloves, enter only through one door, exit through the other, disinfect vehicles and do not turn on the air conditioning, because it affects the transmission of the virus.

It should be remembered that it was originally announced that in the first phase, public transport vehicles may only be used by employed citizens, however, yesterday that decision changed and as of today, May 8, all materials may be transported, not only the employees.

photo: Tamara Trajković

– When traffic starts to function normally, only then can you say that life has returned, because it is one of the main places where respiratory infections are transmitted, in addition to kindergartens and schools, Dr. Predrag Kon said a few days ago. .

If you really don’t have to, don’t use public transportation, walk to work, and walk back. We’ve been sitting around a lot the past few weeks anyway!


Kovid-19 has the greatest consequences for the elderly population, but although it does not have serious proportions in children, in terms of developing more severe symptoms of the disease, they can also become infected and ill. The place that carries the greatest risk is the kindergarten, where children spend most of their time.

German virologist Christian Drosten warned of the danger of opening kindergartens prematurely.

photo: Shutterstock

– Children have an inexperienced immune system, which cannot act against the virus, which is why schools and kindergartens are sources of viruses. According to the flu and cold, children are known to have large amounts of the virus in their throats. That concentration of the virus is 10,000 times higher than in adults, Drosten explained.

Since a large number of parents returned to work with the abolition of the state of emergency in Serbia, after almost two months, kindergartens will be opened, all state-owned, while some private have decided not to continue working because they are not paid . The good thing about the whole story is that kindergartens will not be at full capacity. Specifically in Belgrade, around 25 percent of parents requested the return of their children to kindergartens. That’s 15,535 children out of 58,000, as many as go to state kindergartens, so the groups won’t be large. You can read the full list of measures that are valid in kindergartens at this link.


At the end of this school year, there will be no massive return of students to banks in Serbia, which is good news from the point of view of fighting the virus. Only a small number of children will return, those up to 12 years of age, for whom a stay in school will be arranged and whose parents have to work, and have no other choice.

Incidentally, it is somewhat similar to what happens with kindergartens when it comes to transmitting the infection: children can transmit the virus to the family or teachers even if they are not sick. This is demonstrated by the example of Denmark, where the rate of crown infection with the virus has increased from 0.6 to 0.9 percent since schools reopened on April 15.

photo: Курир

In addition, returning to school would bring with it all the rules that apply to others: wearing masks (both students and teachers), a greater distance between the benches, dissection at the entrance of the school, physical education … These are the rules that will apply to those who will still have to leave to stay, and you can read the full list of these measures at this link.


When Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić declared a state of emergency in the country on March 15, 2020, he emphasized that gyms are the places where the virus is most easily transmitted, as many people come into contact with exercise equipment , making it an ideal environment for propagation. crown

photo: Nemanja Nikolić

Under the new rules, if you still want to exercise in the gym, you must have masks and gloves, and equipment and space must be disinfected. That is why many gyms are still closed, because it is considered impossible to exercise in such conditions. However, those who work must meet these conditions.


Tomorrow, shopping centers across Serbia will open their doors. We expect thousands of employees to return to their jobs, but that also means a sudden return of customers, which we suspect will be in large numbers already during the first weekend.

– Although there are recommendations for behavior in such spaces, the most important thing is to carry out a risk self-assessment, says Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

photo: Tamara Trajković

And the recommendations are: all employees are obliged to wear protective masks and gloves, to maintain the prescribed distances, while the recommendations for consumers are similar: they will be obliged to wear masks and gloves and to carry out intensive hand disinfection. It is important to say that air conditioners will not be able to work in shopping malls, also because they affect the spread of viruses.

Both restaurants and cafes within the centers must make the prescribed distance between the tables.

Cinemas, theaters

The halls and rooms that brought together people eager for a good movie and theatrical performances will certainly not be open until the end of May. Unfortunately, but that is understandable.

photo: promo

Physical distance, in addition to hand washing, is what is crucial in this fight against the crown virus, and theaters and cinemas are precisely the places where distance was not possible. Even that heady smell of popcorn or nachos from the person next to you while watching a movie on the big screen has its charm!

There is a special life live on the forums that mean life. The question is how the actors will perform the plays now, will they also have masks, while the masked spectators from a third seat are watching them from the audience?

Air traffic

Check in at the airport while waiting in a long line, then a tight seat on the plane. The potential danger of infection has been avoided by tens of thousands of planes parked around airports around the world since the start of the pandemic.


The conditions for air transport in the future will be rigorous: from arrival at the airport and up to 4 hours before, virus tests, temperature measurements and certain measurements must be carried out on aircraft. The physical distance and masks mentioned a million times will be mandatory.

The only security: nature!

If you live in the city, parks and all the outdoors are less dangerous than indoors.

photo: Profimedia

Parks and walks await you, but don’t forget to be responsible, keep your distance, wear masks if you walk in company. On Thursday, the Serbian government made recommendations for parks.

And exercising outdoors, that’s what we were missing, bringing alcohol, disinfecting your own devices and enjoying yourself.



Delivery courier

Author: Delivery courier
