Here is who is entitled to inherit income and in which case it is not reduced


The pension of the deceased insured can be inherited by the conjugal and extramarital partner, children or parents, of course, if they meet certain conditions.

However, not everyone receives the same pension amount, and the amount is determined as a percentage of the pension that would have belonged to the deceased at the time of death.

The right to a survivor’s pension exists if the deceased has fulfilled the conditions for a pension or has at least five years of insurance experience. While, on the other hand, if the cause of death is an injury at work or an occupational disease, family members acquire the right to a pension regardless of the duration of the deceased’s insurance.

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photo: Printscreen RTS

The amount of the survivor’s pension is determined as a percentage of the pension that corresponds to him, or that would belong to the deceased at the time of death, as follows: for one member 70 percent, for two members 80 percent, for three affiliates 90 percent, for four or more affiliates 100 percent, they say in the National Pension and Disability Insurance Fund (PIO).

Children are entitled to a survivor’s pension and it belongs to them until the age of 15, regardless of whether they are in school. If they attend high school, up to 20 years old, and up to 26 years old, if they study.

Children without both parents, as established in the Disability and Pension Insurance Fund, in addition to the survivor’s pension for one of the parents, there is also a survivor’s pension for the other parent, such as a pension whose amount cannot exceed the maximum pension amount determined by law.

This practically means that children can inherit a pension from both parents at the same time, but that the total of a pension cannot exceed the highest pension amount determined by law, which is around 132,000 dinars.

For extended family members – Parents, brothers, sisters and other orphans, who were supported by the deceased until death, can also inherit a pension. However, they are entitled to a difference up to the total amount of the deceased’s pension, if they exercise that right with close relatives.

The right to a survivor’s pension can also be exercised by the spouse, but also by the extramarital partner. and only if the marriage, that is, the extramarital union for life, lasted at least three years. Likewise, if you have a child in common with the deceased insured, that is, the beneficiary of the right, if you meet the conditions prescribed by law. The existence of an extramarital union is determined in a non-contentious procedure.

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photo: Printscreen RTS

If the spouse, the extramarital partner, the divorced spouse and the extramarital partner are entitled to a survivor’s pension after the termination of the cohabitation of the extramarital partners, if their right to alimony is determined by court ruling, a survivor pension. The amount that is determined is the amount that belongs to a family member and is distributed in equal amounts, they indicate in the PIO fund.

The payment of the survivor’s pension is suspended in the event that the beneficiary enters the insurance.

The payment, as they affirm, will not be suspended only when the agreed monthly compensation is less than the lowest base in the employee insurance in force at the time of payment of contributions.

The Pension and Disability Insurance Fund states that the person who caused the death of the insured, that is, the beneficiary of the right, intentionally or through gross negligence, cannot exercise the right to a family pension on that basis.


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