HERE IS WHO CHABA DER: A gory biography of a hitman who was ordered to kill Vučić


The public in Serbia was shocked by the brutal liquidation that Der carried out in Banovo brdo in 2018, when he approached Nebojsa Markovic on Rajka od Rasine street in Belgrade without a mask and with a smile on his face and fired several shots at him.

Also, let’s remember that Nebojsa was killed by mistake, because Chaba Der replaced him by Aleksandar Sharac, who was injured at TC Usce a couple of weeks ago, as a result of which he passed away a little later. By the way, the murdered Nebojsa was Sarce’s son-in-law.

After that, he calmly returned to the car, in which the accomplice was driving, and since then he has lost all traces until last night.

Čaba Der (38) from Čantavir, near Subotica, was first a petty thief, when he became a hitman at the Sremska Mitrovica penitentiary. In Novi Sad, in a tavern in Trg mladenaca, he killed Branislav Jelačić with a pistol in 2004 in front of a dozen guests and fled the scene by bicycle.

That same night, the Novi Sad criminal police arrested the instigator of the murder, now the late Vojislav Skrbić, and a couple of weeks later, Čabu Dera.

Dera was in disguise during the murder, and when he fled, he fell off his bicycle and collided with a parked car. Then, microparticles were isolated, which matched the torn tracksuits, found near Škrbić.

As Sasa Barjaktarovic, head of Novi Sad’s criminal police, said at the press conference at the time, “the great operational work resulted expressly in the arrest of the person who ordered and the direct executor of the brutal liquidation of Jelacic.”

Der was already in prison for murder. After the then Supreme Court of Serbia twice overturned the verdicts and the trial started from the beginning, in mid-April 2009, the Novi Sad District Court condemned for the third time the murder of May 11, 2004 in the Novi Sad restaurant “Marina” in the center. town. Čaba Der from Čantavir, near Subotica, identified as Branislav Jelačić’s killer, was sentenced to a single 15-year prison sentence, and Vojislav Škrbić from Kać, charged with inciting Dera to murder, to 11 years.

Deru was sentenced to 12 years for the murder of Jelačić and five for the attempted murder of Dragan Vojnović, for which he was sentenced to 15 years in prison for merger.

After the first main trial, in October 2005, the Criminal Chamber of the Novi Sad District Court sentenced Čabu Dera to 15 years in prison for the murder of Jelačić, as well as for the attempted murder of Dragan Vojnović on the shores of the Danube. Skrbic was later sentenced to 13 years in prison for inciting the revenge killing of Jelacic.

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