HERE IS WHAT THE HORROR PREPARED IN PANČEVO: Milan came yesterday for Marija, the neighbors did not hear the shots


– The police authorities and our prosecutor’s office came to the scene and an investigation was carried out – said Miloš Dekanović, spokesman for the Pancevo VJT to “Novosti”. – We still do not know what exactly happened and how the crime occurred. But we know that it is about a woman, whose identity is Marija S., resident of Pancevo, and a man, Milan Ž., De Veliki Gradište. Gunshot wounds were found on both bodies in the head area, inflicted with firearms, and a 7.65mm pistol was found in the car, which most likely committed the crime.

As we learn, the bodies were sent for an autopsy, which must determine the exact cause of death, and according to the first unofficial information, it is suspected that it was a case of murder and suicide. The car in which the tragedy occurred was sent for an expert report, as well as the weapon that was found in it and with which the crime was committed.


Interestingly, none of the tenants in whose area the murder or suicide took place yesterday heard anything. No one saw anything. Only after the arrival of the police and the ambulance did the terrible news spread. Later, the neighbors, who gathered at the scene, learned of what happened in the nearby parking lot and in the car, where two lifeless bodies were found.

Marija S. and Milan Ž are suspected. they were in an emotional relationship. Yesterday, supposedly, Milan went to the building where Marija lived to meet her. He drove his car, which he parked and left in the nearby parking lot, and then hit the “golf” where Marija awaited him.

Dead bodies found, AMG video on photographic print screen

It is suspected that, most likely, Milan and Marija quarreled and that he first killed her by shooting her in the head, and then he judged himself in the same way.

Unofficially, Marija is known in Pancevo, because her father has a company that deals with cars, while Milan Ž. she once worked as a driver. She drove buses on the Serbian route – abroad, and at one point also worked in Germany.

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