Here is the responsibility of the parents of Zeleznik students.


The Undersecretary of Health for the sanitary inspection sector, Goran Stamenković, evaluated the behavior of the parents who sent the child to school before receiving the results of the coronavirus test, as inadmissible and unconcerned.

He pointed out that the essence of the violation is to endanger the public health of citizens and the failure to comply with regulations that would otherwise affect the prevention of the spread of the epidemic.

– A family should behave like this with indifference and simply not pay attention to some things that are obvious in the family, and that is probably the symptomatology. Whether there are signs of illness or not, at least wait for the test result and report to the school – Stamenković is explicit.

photo: Printscreen RTS

He pointed out that the Ministry of Education has made enormous efforts during all these months, many instructions, recommendations have been given, and now this official instruction has entered as part of the mandatory action according to the Decree on measures to prevent the spread or further disease of citizens by kovida 19.

Regarding the measures to be taken against parents, Stamenković said the Ministry of Education did what was necessary and, as it assessed, “there will probably be criminal liability of the parents.”

He explained that the Ministry of Health, as logistics, depending on the data it receives from the competent Public Health Institute, the city or the Serbian Institute of Public Health “Trampoline”, will also take action.

He added that for a natural person, there is a liability for minor crimes of 50,000 to 150,000 dinars.

– The essence of rape is to endanger the public health of citizens and non-compliance with regulations that would otherwise affect the prevention of the spread of the epidemic. In relation to the risk assessment that epidemiologists will evaluate and in relation to the health surveillance that will continue in the coming days on the family, the child and all the other students who were in that class, measures will be taken – explained the undersecretary of health.

He emphasized that there is a special team in “Trampoline” that deals with supervision at school facilities. He also said that the health inspection received an order, and that the school facilities must be controlled according to the work plan.

– We go both preventively and according to reports – specified Stamenković.

He affirmed that the number of visitors to the facilities, the lack of respect for the distance, the lack of a mask with the users and employees of the service, as well as some other disinfection measures, are the ones that are most frequently violated.

photo: Printscreen RTS

“We had two events, we had to carry out inspections with the police administration in certain cities. Of 30,000 inspections of sanitary inspections in the previous two months, only 6,800 inspections were in terms of covidity and compliance with instructions,” said the undersecretary of sanitary inspection.

Regarding the expected results, he evaluated that we are probably still in some phase of re-examination of conscience and that many are not sufficiently responsible with themselves and then with others.

Commenting on the work on Friday, when inspection supervision at Stamenković was intensified, he says that they continued to function as before, and that dynamics towards a certain group of facilities in relation to risks may have intensified.

He also said that they have included the control of public transport since June, as well as that the internal control, in cooperation with the communal police, is obliged to control passengers, warn them and remove them from the car.

He emphasized that the sanitary inspection will continue with the drafting of charges for misconduct under the Law for the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases. However, he added that there is also the Public Health Law, according to which some 11 ministries and several republics, as well as local inspectorates have the opportunity to take such measures.


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