Here is how many infected with the crown should be quarantined.


The amendments to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases will be discussed by the deputies in a session scheduled for Thursday, and in order to avoid a further spread of the coronavirus, a home quarantine measure will be introduced, which will be strictly controlled .

Under the bill, home isolation is prescribed as an anti-epidemic measure to isolate infected people without symptoms or with symptoms of a disease that does not require hospital treatment.

According to the law, home quarantine is ordered by an infectious disease specialist or other doctor in accordance with the order of the Minister, who is notified to the epidemiologist of the competent institute, institute of public health or other competent health institution.

The duration of home quarantine is determined during the maximum incubation period for a given infectious disease.

Employees who have been assigned home isolation during the time they spent in quarantine are entitled to adequate salary compensation in accordance with the law, and the decision of the health inspector in determining the quarantine measure is also a certificate of inability to work while the measurement lasts.

If the home quarantine measure is determined for a child under 14 years of age or a person who cannot take care of himself, the decision is issued to the parent or guardian and at the same time is a certificate of inability to work during isolation In the home.

The domestic quarantine measure can also be applied to travelers entering Serbia from countries with an unfavorable epidemiological situation, as provided for by legal changes.

The supervision of the health of quarantined people is carried out by the competent institute, that is, the institute of public health, as well as the medical team that is in quarantine, and security is carried out by the administrative body in charge of internal affairs.

According to the law, personal protection measures against infection include the obligation to use personal protective equipment according to the nature of the disease, certain behaviors indoors and / or outdoors, in public and private gatherings and other measures of personal protection prescribed to prevent or suppress the spread of infectious diseases. .

Legal persons and entrepreneurs who carry out activities in the facilities where other people reside are obliged to carry out actions and activities for the application of personal protection measures, as well as to designate a person responsible for their implementation.

The control of the implementation of personal protection measures is carried out by the sanitary inspection, and in the case of a major epidemic, in addition to the sanitary inspection, it will be possible to control the implementation of these measures by the communal inspection and the communal militia.

According to the new law, in the event of an epidemic of a contagious disease, the recommended or mandatory emergency immunization against that contagious disease can be determined for all people, that is, for certain categories of people, if the danger of transmission of that disease. .

The amount of fines for not wearing masks inside and for not respecting physical distance will remain unchanged (5,000 dinars for individuals and 50,000 to 300,000 for legal entities), but their application will be faster and more efficient.


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Author: delivery courier
