New laws and some new rules come into force on the first day of 2021. In the new year, there will be higher pensions, salaries in the public sector, then more aid for unemployed mothers …
Women will be able to retire at the age of 63 years and two months old, instead of the 63 they needed now. The required number of years of service for them remains the same: a minimum of 15 years.
The men will retire next year as before, 65 years old and 15 years of service recorded in the workbook. Their retirement will remain the same, but there will be changes for those who want to retire early.
– It is necessary for a person to have 40 years of experience and 59 years of life. And for women, it is necessary that they be 58 years and four months, and with regard to seniority, that is 39 years and four months, explained Vladimir Stanković, from the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, and recalled that for women women it is a condition to move two by two. months.
Minimum labor cost
The minimum price of labor, excluding taxes and mandatory social security contributions, for the period January-December 2021 will be 183.93 dinars (net) per hour of work.
The Government of Serbia has taken the decision to increase the minimum price for labor from 172.54 to 183.93 dinars per hour. The decision was published in the Official Gazette in mid-September.
The minimum wage increases 6.6 percent. Thus, some 350,000 people who today receive a minimum of 30,000 dinars in 2021 will receive 32,126 dinars per month.
Higher pensions and wages in the public sector
Around 1.7 million pensioners should expect higher incomes in the new year, because pension growth according to the Swiss formula has been announced for 2021, at 5.9 percent. After the increase, the average pension will increase from the current 27,769 dinars to 29,407 dinars, or 1,638 dinars. Practically, from 2021, instead of 10,000 dinars of pension, retirees will receive about 600 more dinars, while the elderly with higher incomes (above 100,000) will have an increase of at least 6,300 dinars.
Pensions will grow next year according to the agreed model: the Swiss formula, which means adjusting the income of older citizens with 50 percent inflation and 50 percent growth in average wages, and the Serbian government announced a new model from 2022 that would allow even greater growth. The goal is for the average pension to reach 400 euros in 2025.
Higher wages in the public sector
Finance Minister Siniša Mali said that from January 1, pensions will increase by 5.9 percent and the minimum price of labor by 6.6 percent.
Public sector salaries will be increased. Mali said that as of January 1, five percent of the salary increase will be given to medical workers, while other public sector employees will receive 3.5 percent and the other 1.5 percent will receive a raise to starting April 1.
Mali confirmed that soldiers will also receive an additional increase of up to ten percent.
Greater assistance to unemployed mothers
Starting on January 1, the one-time aid for unemployed mothers in Belgrade and mothers with low income will be increased by 5,000 dinars. Thus, unemployed mothers will receive 30,000 dinars and total assistance for the first child will amount to 50,000 dinars.
This does not exclude rights from the budget of the republic because every mother is entitled to another 100,000 dinars, child allowance and all other benefits.
A blow also for the self-employed
Somehow, lately, the voice of the self-employed is the one that has been heard the most, claiming that their obligations will be a real financial blow.
Tax collection for what they are doing has already started, but will intensify from January.
They now receive decisions on the basis of which they have to pay the income tax of the previous five years within 15 days. Individuals claim that the total union amounts to several thousand euros.
Leaving the current control of employment in the public sector
The reforms to the Budget System Law foresee abandoning the current control of employment in the public sector and introducing a more flexible system that allows users of public funds to make employment decisions in the future, according to needs and depending on the money at their disposal provision.
The amendments to that law provide for a restriction, which is that more than 70 percent of the number of employees who left that company during the previous year cannot be employees.
How to get through technically, what about gas?
Since mid-2021, up to one million vehicles in Serbia with a Euro 3 engine may not be able to pass technical inspection due to the emission of harmful gases.
It has not yet been clarified how older cars with gasoline engines that have gas installed will be treated.
Experts say that when the exhaust gas measurement conditions are stricter, most Euro 3 engines will fail, but also some engines of a higher standard, depending on their condition.
The Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance is amended
After the New Year holidays, a Working Group will be formed, which will be in charge of drafting the text of the amendments to the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance.
The Minister of State Administration and Local Autonomy, Marija Obradović, and the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Protection of Personal Data, Milan Marinović, expressed their willingness to speed up the process of drafting amendments to the law.
The novelty is that this working group will also include a representative from the institution of the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Protection of Personal Data, which has not been the case so far.
The plan is to modify the law in the first quarter of 2021, when the Law of the Protector of Citizens should be approved.

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Author: delivery courier