Here are the details of the SANCTIONS and the powers of the COMMUNAL MILICIA


Unfortunately, a new black crown record was set in Serbia. In 24 hours, 12,514 citizens were tested for the corona virus, of which 3,536 tested positive. 21 patients died.

A legal solution is expected in Serbia, which will allow the introduction and application of a strict punishment policy for non-compliance with the measures.

The deputies will consider the proposed reforms to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases in the Assembly session scheduled for Thursday. The law should be approved by urgent procedure and, if there are no changes, it will remain in its current form.

That law would clearly define the competencies of the communal inspectors and militiamen, as well as the amount of the fines, which we present to you in detail.

Powers of the communal inspector and communal militiaman:

– May issue a misdemeanor warrant – May submit a report to the competent authority for a crime or a request to the competent authority if it is a misdemeanor – May inform other authorities about the reasons for taking certain action – Have the opportunity to close bars, cafes, restaurants or clubs that violate prescribed epidemiological measures for 72 hours – Mandatory penalties can be written on the spot.

The following sanctions are prescribed for natural persons:

– 5,000 dinars will be fined for a misdemeanor for a person who does not adhere to the personal protection measures against infection designed to protect the health and life of both himself and others during the epidemic.

The following sanctions are prescribed for legal persons:

– 300,000 dinars will be fined by a legal entity if it determines measures of personal protection against infection as well as if the person responsible for the direct application of these measures does not determine – 150,000 dinars will be fined by the employer for the same offense – 50,000 dinars will be fined for a responsible person in a legal person – 30,000 dinars will be liable for the immediate application of these measures.


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Author: delivery courier
