Here are legal dilemmas, in November there may be an interruption of the work of the schools


Belgrade entered the third surge of coronavirus infected with the virus or the start of the third wave last week, and it is hard to believe that it will stop and return to the situation of a few weeks ago, says epidemiologist Predrag Kon.

When asked about the possible reintroduction of the state of emergency and curfew in the case of a large number of infected people, Kon said it is a constant question, but he does not know the answer.

– There are legal dilemmas, I don’t know the answer – Kon said on TV Pink.

He mentioned that we are now entering a situation where restrictive measures will be mentioned more and more frequently, because in the next two weeks we can really expect a serious increase and spread of this virus not only in Belgrade but throughout Serbia.

He explained that this is what awaits us in the natural flow, and that it depends on the implementation of preventive measures if we will be able to stop that natural flow.

Kon said we probably have fewer than 100 infected today, but that is because fewer patients come in for tests on Saturdays and Sundays.

– The real numbers will arrive only from Tuesday – says Kon and affirms that the increase in the number of infected depends on whether or not preventive measures are carried out, which refer to wearing maxi protectors, keeping distance and hand hygiene.

He stated that we are in a situation where it is starting to boil across Europe and that we are approaching winter when the transmission of all viruses is dominant, and that we are in trouble if we do not understand the importance of preventive measures at this time.

Kon says that if the importation of the virus into schools is suddenly very large, then there are serious problems related to the illness of teachers, so sometime in November it may be more rational to think about temporary suspension of schools.

He mentioned that at this time, these large groups with thousands of employees may be more important, because it seems that measures are not being implemented, so it is important to pay special attention to the transport of workers, since it used to be the most common way of transmitting the coronavirus.

Asked about the drug Remdesivir, which is used in the fight against kovid-19, and which is available to patients in Serbia as of today, Kon said that the attitude of infectologists is not to talk about the effects of treatment on patients. media.

He said that the tenth treatment protocol is arriving and that the complex form of treatment that is recommended is constantly being improved.

VIDEO: What measures must students comply with at school?
