Her stepmother forced her to work in the fields, so she took her money.


FRIENDS OF LESKOVAC'S MURDERED ANA DISCOVERED HER DIFFICULT DESTINY: The stepmother forced her to work in the fields and took her money.

Photo: Dragan Marinkovic, Facebook

BELGRADE / LESKOVAC – When we last heard each other, a day or two before the tragedy, Ani did not mention to me that she had problems at home, we talked about the usual things of every day. When I saw the news last night, I froze. I still can’t believe what happened, I’m in shock … begins the confession of his friend Ana Ilić (20) from Leskovac, a pregnant woman who was killed when her brother Miloš grabbed an ax after an argument with her father and sentenced the whole family – stepmother Danijela (43), sister Ana (20), half sister Sara (12) and father Predrag (45).

photo: Kurir / D. Marinković

She and Ana attended Textile and Design High School together. They haven’t been seen as often lately, but have been heard regularly.

– We were constantly in contact, although we did not see each other so often. She became pregnant with a young man who did not want to admit the child, he said it was not his … The last time we met was a day or two before the tragedy … I asked him how he was, what he was doing, how she was pregnant since she was in the seventh. month She replied that she was fine, that she was not doing anything special. Normal conversation. And then this happened … Terrible, I still can’t believe it’s true, I’m in shock – her friend told the newspaper.

photo: Kurir.rs/D. Marinkovic

Another friend of hers confirmed that Ana was a good and honest girl, that she never caused problems and that, despite the difficult social situation, she fought like a lion with the adversities of life.

– We met last year at an event, the girl was very sociable and pleasant. Since I was alone with the children that day, she helped me with the care and we entertained them together. We exchanged phone numbers and since then we have listened and seen each other regularly – says Ana’s other friend.

She noted, she says, that Ana is poor but honest and unintentional, and also very nice. Ana soon introduced her new friend to her father Predrag.

photo: Facebook

– He worked as a security guard in an old hotel. He was also a very modest, pleasant and personable man, with no bad intentions, a great honest man. Since my family and I live and work abroad, they begged me to find them a job to get out of the crisis. But they never asked me for financial aid or money to borrow. She came to us and I helped her with the wardrobe and others with some things … – says Ana’s friend.

photo: Facebook

As he says, the agreement was that this summer, Ana would go abroad with them and take care of her children for three months, and in this way they wanted to put financial pressure on her. However, Ana became pregnant with a young man from Smederevska Palanka.

– I guess he was there for a couple of months last year, he was trying to enroll in school and finish it. As for her stepmother, the woman was difficult in nature. I know that he made Ana work in the field and that later he would take money from her. He took care of his younger sister Sara, said he had a brother, but never mentioned that they had problems: the story is still a surprised girl, adding that the information that the whole family was sick is not true, and that Ana and her father they were perfectly healthy.

photo: Kurir / D. Marinković

He is very sorry, he says, that Ana could not help in the way that Ana deserved.

– I always told him that he could turn to me for help, and he always replied that he didn’t want to overwhelm me. She was such a humble soul, good, pure and honest … No one deserves to have that destiny, especially her. We spoke on Friday, I asked her how she was, she told me that she was fine now … – says the girl, still shocked.

Bojnik’s neighbors also called, describing the Ilic family as calm and modest. They said the children were having trouble with their stepmother Daniel from the beginning, who beat them to have visible bruises and wounds on their bodies.

– The fate of that family is difficult … They are from a place near Bojnik, called Granice. Stepmother Danielle hit them when they were little, and they barely made ends meet. Then they moved from here and went to Leskovac.

photo: Facebook

Ever since I heard the news that Pesha’s son killed them, believe me, I am sick. It’s also difficult for me to talk about the fate of that family. Milos has always had mental problems, probably even now there has been a narrowing of consciousness, who knows, his old neighbor tells us.


Delivery courier

Author: Delivery courier
