“HER FATHER TOOK HER TO THE CAR IN HUGS …” The girl fell from the fourth floor while climbing the New Year decorations


The girl LB (12) survived yesterday the fall from the fourth floor of a residential building in Stanovo. She was treated at the Kragujevac Clinical Center, admitted to the Intensive Care Unit and, according to the doctors, her health is stable for now.

As “Novosti” has learned, the girl has orthopedic injuries, is under the constant supervision of medical staff and is currently not in danger of death.

– Other diagnostic tests are being carried out, the state of internal organs and soft tissues is being monitored – they say at the Clinical Center in Kragujevac.

Photo: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

According to the story of his neighbors in the Stanovo neighborhood, LB Preksinović fell from the window of his apartment on the fourth floor of the building on Ljubiše Bogdanovića street at around 8.30 pm. He lives in the apartment with his parents and his younger sister.

According to unofficial information, which was transmitted by some media, the girl allegedly jumped out of the window, while her parents checked her grades in the electronic newspaper. Those who know this family best, do not believe this story, but say that the child most likely fell out of the window while trying to hang up the New Year decorations.

– Thank God he survived. We hope everything goes well for you, and that’s the most important thing, say the tenants of the buildings on Ljubiše Bogdanovića Street.

When they saw that the boy had fallen out of the window, many immediately rushed to help.

“Her father carried her in his arms to a neighbor’s car, who took them to the hospital,” said Ljubomir Mutavdzic, who claims to know this family well.

– Fortunately, the girl fell to the soft ground in front of the building, where the grass and flowers are. The most important thing is that you recover as soon as possible.
