HEADQUARTERS OF TODAY’S CRISIS Yesterday we had the highest number of infected people since August 27, does that mean that NEW MEASURES AND SANCTIONS await us?


The crisis staff session is scheduled for today at 11:00 am, as the public is increasingly speculating about the third peak of the corona virus.

According to Dr. Kon, the focus of today’s session will be the evaluation of the epidemiological situation, mainly in the territory of Belgrade.

– Evaluation of the epidemiological situation is basic, mainly in the territory of Belgrade. There is a slight increase in the number of infected people and hospitalizations in Belgrade. We will also discuss some parties of greater social importance – said Dr. Kon.

You can read between the lines that “some matches” are actually eternal derbies between Red Star and Partizan, of which Dr. Branislav Tiodorovoić already spoke in the previous days. His position is that it is not possible to wait for fans in the stands.

– At this time, it is impossible to expect that there will be fans in the eternal derby, it is simply impossible. Although Serbia has one of the best epidemiological situations in Europe, we are surrounded by countries that are in a difficult situation and it is only a matter of time before that wave catches us. Also, you can see that things change from hour to hour in our country, one day we have more infected and the next day less – said Tiodorović.

Photo: Zoran Ilić / RAS Serbia

While waiting for the crisis personnel’s decision, the public speculates whether we will have to wear masks outdoors and not just indoors. Dr. Predrag Kon believes that this measure should be introduced. Speaking yesterday on the morning TV show Happy, he said that he personally was in favor of tightening control over the implementation of the measures, but also of punishing him.

– Personally I think that the control must be reinforced very clearly. Are there penalties? It is necessary, because we are protecting the entire health of the people here, and there should be no negotiations on this, because we are entering a period in which the intensive spread of the virus is the greatest possible, Dr. Kon said yesterday.

The highest number of people infected since August 27

What epidemiologists have pointed out in recent days is that at the end of October, at the beginning of November, we are threatened by the third wave of the corona virus.

According to yesterday’s cross-section, 7,076 people were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of whom 120 tested positive, and one person died. That number represents the highest number of people infected on August 27, when we had 125 newly discovered cases. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health and the “Trampoline” Institute, the respirators of the Serbian health institutions contain 19 patients.

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