HEADQUARTERS OF CRISIS WILL SIT TOMORROW: Mr Jana Janković announced a new measure!


The immunologist and member of the Crisis Staff, Dr. Srdja Jankovic, said tonight that he will not prejudge what will be decided in the session, but it is certain that the tightening of the measures will be considered.

– A certain tightening of the measures will be considered, first of all shorten the work of cafes, restaurants and other facilities to 6 pm instead of working until 9 pm, which was the proposal of the initial medical part of the Crisis Staff – he said.

Dr. Janković, as a guest on “Sparking of the Day” on Kurir Television, said that we could expect some more measures to be tightened.

– The essence is in the implementation of measures, so not only in what we are going to toughen, but also in that what we had in force and what we have in force all the time, must be implemented until the end – said Dr. Janković.

We remind you that in the last 24 hours, 18,980 citizens in Serbia were tested for coronavirus, of which 6,109 tested positive.

Unfortunately, 29 patients died. There are 186 patients on ventilators in hospitals across Serbia.

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