HEADQUARTERS OF CRISIS TO MAKE AN EARLY DECISION: This is when students in Serbia will go on winter break


According to “Novosti”, this variant is being seriously considered in the Ministry of Education and the exact date of rest for primary and secondary students will be known very soon.

Let us remind you, Zlatibor Lončar went public today and announced some of the measures that were taken due to the difficult epidemiological situation.

– Belgrade has the biggest problems with accommodation capacity. We agreed that in half an hour we will start sending minor cases to Niška Banja and temporary hospitals in Niš and Kragujevac to free up space for more serious cases, Lončar said, adding that several hospitals are opening in Leskovac.

Loncar said that today the new measures proposed by the Crisis Staff were accepted.

– The working hours of the facilities are shortened to 6 in the afternoon. Another thing is the mandatory use of a mask indoors, but also outdoors where there are more than five people, especially at crossings and pedestrian intersections, Lončar said. Read more about this CLICK HERE!

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