Headquarters of crisis on the situation in schools


Belgrade, Serbia

In primary schools this week, 13 students and six teachers were confirmed positive by laboratory, said epidemiologist Darija Kisić Tepavčević. These are individual cases, the infection, according to the investigation carried out in those cases, occurred outside the school, he reports.

Since the beginning of the school year, we have registered a case of transmission in the classrooms, in Belgrade, so the whole class is in home isolation, he recalled.

“In the first week we had ten laboratory-confirmed cases in students, four in teachers, in the second week ten students, seven in teachers. Since the beginning of the school year, this virus has been confirmed in 33 primary school students and 17 teachers” he added.

He says that all of them generally have a mild form of manifestation.

“During this week in secondary schools the virus was confirmed in five students and two teachers, and during the previous two weeks, in a total of 11 secondary school students and two teachers. That is, in three weeks in 16 students and four teachers. infection outside the school setting, “says Isić Tepavčević.

He added that we have some sporadic cases, but “it turned out that the reaction was quick and adequate.”

He praised the teachers and students for whom he says it is obvious that they adhere to the prescribed measures, because the frequency of illness in schoolchildren is lower than in the general population.

The epidemiologist Predrag Kon said that the worst is when he is silent, that is, when not a single case is heard, so he suddenly appears at school on the 15th.

“We in Belgrade have 19 cases from 18 schools, where only two are connected in one school – it is an indicator that the system works and that it will clearly give us signals of how and what to do … It will be difficult if the virus is very present , but “If we really respect all the measures that we bring, we have a great chance of avoiding a coup as dramatic as the one we had in July,” he emphasized.

Two days ago, the Minister of Education, Mladen Šarčević, declared that they were in total 52 infected students.

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