HEADQUARTERS OF CRISIS DECIDED Mandatory and outdoor masks!


– We are tightening all the previous measures, in the sense of its application, they will no longer be able to issue permits for gatherings in the premises. We should all wear masks, constantly and outdoors, which is also a new measure – said Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

Also, as we found out, all service facilities must have a person responsible for implementing the measures within the facility.

After the crisis staff session, Dr. Kisić Tepavčević added that the Arena will once again become a temporary covid hospital as of Monday.

Key decisions made by crisis staff:

1. Masks are mandatory outdoors

2. Local governments are prohibited from granting permits to organize events.

3. Service facilities are required to have a person responsible for implementing the measures within the facility.

4. Starting Monday, the stadium will be a hospital again.

The Crisis Team for the fight against kovid 19 held a session today to discuss the current epidemiological situation.

The Crisis Team for the fight against kovid 19 held a session today to discuss the current epidemiological situation.

Before the crisis staff sessionPhoto: screenshot

Before the crisis staff session

– We want to act preventively, not react only when we have a serious capacity filling, overworked people, we have been through that and we have no reason not to learn from our own and others’ examples that did not give good results. When we act responsibly, we obtained a result, so I ask for unity and solidarity – said Minister Lončar today in the Palace of Serbia before the crisis staff session and announced the tightening of the measures, but balanced.

Loncar told RTS this morning that before the session, which started around 9 a.m., he heard from some members of the crisis staff and they were of the opinion that we should not wait for the scenario to occur with a large number of patients.

– The attitude is to act preventively, find a balance, tighten the measures, but be balanced and that we are sure it will give a result – said Lončar.

By the way, Serbia has already entered the third wave of the corona virus epidemic, earlier than expected. The first predictions were that it would happen at the end of this and the beginning of next month, but as of Tuesday the figures in Serbia are jumping day by day, and on Wednesday and yesterday we had more than 200 new infected in 24 hours.

In addition, the number of people hospitalized for the coronavirus is increasing day by day.

The whole situation is reminiscent of that of late June and early July, when in Serbia, after the first suspension of measures, we had the start of the second wave from which we emerged in September.

This, the third wave, epidemiologists predict, will last longer than the previous two, perhaps even until March, April next year.

VIDEO: The “Blic” team in a helicopter over Belgrade during curfew
