
A new emergency session of the Crisis Staff is scheduled for today at 1:00 p.m., one day after the measures adopted in the last session came into force.

The number of infected and deceased increases day by day, so in the last 24 hours we had 6,842 new patients, which is a record from the beginning, while 37 people died. Just the day before, we broke the infamous record of 38 deaths in one day. What is also worrying is that our hospitals are full, new ones are transferred to the covid system every day and a total of 6,478 patients are currently hospitalized, which is more than ever before the start of the epidemic.

After yesterday’s meeting with the directors of the covid hospitals, the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, stated that almost 2,000 infected medical workers, while Dr. Mijomir Pelemis, infectologist and member of the Crisis Staff for the fight against the covid, emphasized that “the health system cannot bear like this” and announced a new one. tightening measures.

– We are considering the situation for hours, if there is a further deterioration of the situation, we will tighten the measures, we have no others – said Dr. Pelemis.

Taking into account that the latest measures came into force yesterday, limiting the work of catering facilities, shopping centers, etc. at 6 p.m., while food and some others can work until 9 p.m., and that the curfew is the final and most drastic measure that is not mentioned these days, it is increasingly certain that today they will talk about schools , which has been announced for days by Line Minister Branko Ružić, but also by some members of the crisis staff.

What will happen to the schools?

What will likely be the topic of today’s crisis staff session is schools, that is, the decision on whether there will be a transition to online teaching at the Serbian-wide level.

We remind you that, as we have already written, several options are being considered, the safest of which is that currently the oldest classes are online and the youngest still attend classes in classrooms. Under the current idea, high schools and universities would be online.

The Minister of Education, Branko Ružić, said two days ago that “these days” it will be known what the final decision will be. So this is very likely to be discussed today.

The youngest from the first to the fourth would continue to go to the classrooms and the kindergartens would remain open. If the selective transition to online measure is adopted, as we have learned, it will be limited to 10 or 15 days.

Apart from the transition to online classes for the whole of Serbia, what is also mentioned since the changes, and which is also related to schools, is the postponement of the holidays. The idea is that the school holidays last one month, from December 21 to January 20.

Yesterday, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić also spoke about today’s crisis staff session. According to her, students in the older grades of primary schools, as well as secondary schools, will switch to online classes and kindergartens will be closed, “if the experts from the crisis staff so advise.”

He said he would listen to the opinion and recommendations of the professional side of the Crisis Staff in today’s session on how to teach in schools for the older classes and the work of kindergartens.

– One of his recommendations was to consider online teaching for the upper grades, that is, in primary schools from fifth to eighth grade and in secondary schools – said Brnabić, answering the question from journalists.

Everything is ready for online classes.

If that is confirmed tomorrow, the Prime Minister says, she will be able to switch to online classes as soon as possible, because, she adds, technically everything is ready for that.

– I still think that when it comes to younger students, it is safer for them in schools, but if the experts advise me otherwise, we have no problem adopting their advice – said Brnabić.

We will dissolve and spin, if the profession says so

The same, he says, applies to kindergartens, adding that if the advice of the professional side of the Crisis Staff is to dissolve kindergartens, it will be done.

Mask and mask, everywhere mask or tightening measure!

And the whole situation would be incomparably better and different, only if we adhered to those familiar simple measures: mask, distance, and hand washing.

– A growing number of hospitalized, in infectious care, a growing number of deaths. That number is constantly increasing and will increase more and more if we do not respect the measures we ask for, and that is not difficult. Mask and mask constantly, it should be an integral part of the wardrobe, mask everywhere! – Dr. Pelemis emphasized.

That, he says, applies all over the world.

– I do not know why it is difficult to wear in our country, even outdoors. Do that, see how the situation is, there will be no one to treat us. The Crisis Staff will constantly consider the situation for hours, if there is a further deterioration, we will tighten the measures, we have no others – he said.

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