He would be an excellent minister for optimism.


When asked by the “Hit Tweet” reporter about rumors that her name is mentioned in the context that she could become the new government’s Minister of Health after the June 21 elections, Dr. Kisić said .

– The media is interested in that, but I am a boring person, so they are trying to get various things out. The funniest thing for me was that I participated in the Olympics in Sarajevo, and that was when I was 8 years old, the doctor said, and after that Dr. Branislav Nestorović’s statement was discussed, which caused a huge avalanche of comments on public.

She said that her statement that we should go out and get infected cannot be accepted.

Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević said Professor Branislav Nestorović is a great expert in his field, but she notes that he is not an epidemiologist and adds that he gave him a headache multiple times with his statements.

– The profession has never supported the claim that this is the funniest virus. I spoke epidemiological vocabulary before and after that, but it wasn’t heard as publicly as what he was saying. He would be an excellent minister for optimism, said Dr. Kisić.


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Author: Delivery courier
