He was waiting for a friend, and some thieves came and brought him 55,000 dinars and therapy for his treatment!


The unusual robbery happened Saturday night, and the robbers, as he puts it, practically announced themselves to him.

– That day a long-time friend called me and asked me to lend his mistress three medicines buprenorphine, which I use as therapy – MB begins and continues: – I told him to come, and he advised me to leave the door open, because she doesn’t remember which one I fit in exactly.

I am not a merchant

MB says that his neighbors’ stories that he is a merchant and that “strange people” gather at his house are not true. – I don’t know why they said that. I use buprenorphine as recommended by my doctor. In my youth, I was addicted to narcotics, but for 11 years I have been receiving treatment and taking “bup”, which is the only salvation from heroin and which was prescribed by a doctor – says MB

As he goes on to say, everything was strange to him from the beginning, and he was even more surprised when he saw his mistress at the door. – Although we know each other and we would always greet and kiss each other willingly, she held back and hid her face with a joke. Then a young man jumped up behind her, disguised in a headscarf and cap. He pulled out a gun, pushed me into the apartment, put his hands on the table and said it was a Čukarica policeman.

I believed him out of fear, and he ordered me to take everything out of my pockets, which I did. Then he started yelling, “Give me heroin!” I said no, and he told me to give him buprenorphine – describes the interlocutor and adds that they went to the bedroom, where he gave him a medicine.

The “bupa” tablet costs 1000 dinars

The drug buprenorphine or in the jargon “bup” is used by heroin addicts as therapy. However, the drug is extremely dangerous and addictive, which is why some addicts use it as a drug. The price of a tablet on the black market is around 1,000 dinars, and you can buy half a tablet for half the price.

– He ordered me to take off my watch too. I realized he wasn’t a cop so I asked him for his license plate number and he deciphered some numbers. He also told me this was just a warning and they got away quickly – says MB

As he points out, he immediately called a friend who had previously announced the arrival of his lover. – He begged me not to call the police, said he would refund my money. I was puzzled. They only returned 33,000 dinars to me, so I decided to inform the police about everything – he concludes. Police are still searching for the suspects.

(Kurir.rs/ Jelena Ivic / Photo: SE)

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
